Enough with the Stones already

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08/15/2023 2:56 pm

Seems like every new song is a Stones song.  This is going to piss some people off but enough of the Stones already.  We lost 100 songs and replaced it with 96 Tears.


Rant over... carry on

# 1
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08/28/2023 1:15 am
#1 Originally Posted by: TheGitard

Seems like every new song is a Stones song.  This is going to piss some people off but enough of the Stones already.  We lost 100 songs and replaced it with 96 Tears.


Rant over... carry on

Lost a lot more than that.


# 2
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08/29/2023 12:28 am

I just recently joined GT. I didn't come here for GT to teach me songs, Stones or otherwise. I joined so that they can teach me to play any song that I hear, figure it out on my own, and make it mine. If we want to learn a song, OMG, the choices are endless on YouTube. For me, it's about the music, not someone else's song. There is a song inside of each and every one of us...we just need to play it!


"Played it 'til my fingers bled"

# 3
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08/29/2023 12:56 am
#3 Originally Posted by: DeepBluZzz

I just recently joined GT. I didn't come here for GT to teach me songs, Stones or otherwise. I joined so that they can teach me to play any song that I hear, figure it out on my own, and make it mine. If we want to learn a song, OMG, the choices are endless on YouTube. For me, it's about the music, not someone else's song. There is a song inside of each and every one of us...we just need to play it!


"Played it 'til my fingers bled"

Maybe I'm missing something but GT never taught me how to play any song I hear or how to figure it out on my own and  Youtube videos don't come close to the GT song lessons.  Everyone has their own reasons for joining. Mine was for the song lessons or as of lately the lack of them.


# 4
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08/31/2023 12:38 pm

Change the name of this site to Stones Tricks.

# 5
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08/31/2023 7:53 pm
#1 Originally Posted by: TheGitard

Seems like every new song is a Stones song.  This is going to piss some people off but enough of the Stones already.  We lost 100 songs and replaced it with 96 Tears.


Rant over... carry on


# 6
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09/02/2023 7:57 pm
#6 Originally Posted by: rlbrandeberry


The Stones were a great band but please no more.  The loss of 300 plus good songs can never be made up for with 300 Stones' songs.  I won't be renewing my account when it runs out.  

# 7
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09/03/2023 3:07 am

Don’t blame you solo -GT is struck in a time warp- weather it’s lesson, songs or just general information - GT is still a great place for first time guitarist learning their up and down strokes, but it has nothing to offer their intermediate on up guitar enthusiasts - once you’ve gotten to that point you’ll soon realize it’s a waste of time paying for this site that’s offering less than free stuff you can get on you tube - bunch of great paying sites out there, but GT isn’t one of them

# 8
William MG
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09/03/2023 8:00 pm

You may be an intermediate player now depending on what you define as intermediate. I would define anyone who can get by on most songs, meaning you can get the chords down and keep timing, as at least beyond beginner.

 And I see the intermediate stage like a bell curve, with the intermediate stage being where most of us will fall for as long as we play guitar. We just become more advanced along the curve as we continue practicing and learning. 

But in regards to sites, I don't think you should limit yourself to just one site. I use this site and a few others and they all seem to help me in their own way. And some are not very structured, like Brian at Active Melody. But he is a phenomenal teacher. 


This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 9
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09/05/2023 6:08 pm
#9 Originally Posted by: William MG

You may be an intermediate player now depending on what you define as intermediate. I would define anyone who can get by on most songs, meaning you can get the chords down and keep timing, as at least beyond beginner.

 And I see the intermediate stage like a bell curve, with the intermediate stage being where most of us will fall for as long as we play guitar. We just become more advanced along the curve as we continue practicing and learning. 

But in regards to sites, I don't think you should limit yourself to just one site. I use this site and a few others and they all seem to help me in their own way. And some are not very structured, like Brian at Active Melody. But he is a phenomenal teacher. 

I agree, don't limit yourself to one source of tutoring.

# 10
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09/08/2023 12:30 pm

Well, looks like no one is paying attention. Still another Stones song added. They are a great band but I want to learn other things other than stones or Beatles. 

# 11
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09/14/2023 8:01 pm

Really, another one. Come on there is so much music in this world that you have to be able to provide some other musical group other than the Stones and Beatles. 

# 12
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09/15/2023 10:10 am

There is definitely something wrong here at GT. They’re Re doing older lessons or churning out obscure Stones with very little deviation except for an occasion Christopher S (he’s a prodigal!) lesson. Nothing at ALL like it was pre-song expulsion. We’ve been falsely hyped about new and better things upcoming to the site. 
Yep. Something is amiss. Hopefully GT clearer heads can right this sinking ship. I wonder if we’ll get a month’s notice if they go belly up?

 Let’s get it together, GT!

# 13
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09/19/2023 7:53 am

It's time to break free from the same old Stones tunes! Let's explore some new musical horizons and give other artists a chance to shine. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

# 14
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10/09/2023 5:54 pm

 "We lost 100 songs and replaced it with 96 Tears." 😂 

I am still early in my journey so I only need songs that help me put to use techniques I've learned elsewhere and I am just scratching the surface of the song library so it seems very diverse to me. Maybe I'll feel differently when I have more songs under my strap. I can only look forward to that! 

Re: "Maybe I'm missing something but GT never taught me how to play any song I hear or how to figure it out on my own"

Might not be exactly what you want, but in case you missed it, figuring things out on your own is part of what Anders is teaching in  Let's Analyze a Progression and the surrounding lessons.

# 15
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10/10/2023 10:41 am

There seems to be a disconnect somewhere and that’s alright. I didn’t come to GT, pay the man my money, to learn how to analyze or breakdown songs. I kinda learned that in the past. I can shakily work out many songs after establishing the Key. 
What it was for me, the draw was the incredible cache of classic rock song lessons with scrolling tabs(where available). I gladly paid the man for this access. Now for whatever reason, that opportunity or option has been removed. If you’re a beginner, yes, enjoy the many, many lessons showing you how to make a C chord or tune your guitar. 
The subscribers that came here with similar intentions just wanted to learn to play the songs they grew up with or just enjoyed. Nothing complicated, no hidden agenda. 
Seems the entire structure of GT has changed and is deteriorating. Can’t put my finger on it but I just wanted GT to do it their way, the great way. 

# 16
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10/10/2023 10:30 pm
#16 Originally Posted by: W3

There seems to be a disconnect somewhere and that’s alright. I didn’t come to GT, pay the man my money, to learn how to analyze or breakdown songs. I kinda learned that in the past. I can shakily work out many songs after establishing the Key. 
What it was for me, the draw was the incredible cache of classic rock song lessons with scrolling tabs(where available). I gladly paid the man for this access. Now for whatever reason, that opportunity or option has been removed. If you’re a beginner, yes, enjoy the many, many lessons showing you how to make a C chord or tune your guitar. 
The subscribers that came here with similar intentions just wanted to learn to play the songs they grew up with or just enjoyed. Nothing complicated, no hidden agenda. 
Seems the entire structure of GT has changed and is deteriorating. Can’t put my finger on it but I just wanted GT to do it their way, the great way. 

I agree 100%  This was once a great site but not anymore.  They still won't address the issue even when you directly ask them why the songs were deleted, they just ignore us.  "Guitar Tricks" is an appropriate name for this site as they tricked everyone into believing those deleted songs would be readily available forever.  They should change the name to Guitar Scam, it would be even more appropriate.

# 17
john of MT
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10/10/2023 11:03 pm
#17 Originally Posted by: Bobk42

I agree 100%  This was once a great site but not anymore.  They still won't address the issue even when you directly ask them why the songs were deleted, they just ignore us.  "Guitar Tricks" is an appropriate name for this site as they tricked everyone into believing those deleted songs would be readily available forever.  They should change the name to Guitar Scam, it would be even more appropriate.

So... are you gonna opt for the rumored lifetime subscription?  🤣 

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
-- Chet Atkins
# 18
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10/12/2023 1:03 am
#18 Originally Posted by: john of MT

So... are you gonna opt for the rumored lifetime subscription?  🤣 

Only if it's free!!!!

# 19
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10/21/2023 11:31 am

I’d be pretty ticked off if I had a lifetime membership before knowing they chopped all those songs. But yeah, if it was free…

# 20

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