First Amp? First Real Gear?

# 1
My first guitar was a squire Strat with a cheep Honer practice amp. Once I got to a reasonable standard I bought an Epiphone LP standard and a Marshall Valvestate amp. I later bought my black Fender Strat coz I decided the Epi wasn't working for me.
'There's no such thing as bad weather, there's only the wrong clothes...'
# 2

my first guitar was a cheap Strat clone, called a Slammer. and i played through a newbie Squire bass amp. now i have a Decent Esp and a 2x12 Polytone amp.
# 3

Mine was a Peavey Nitro that I had dubbed "Franenstrat", because of how many times I ended up rebuilding it with mutt parts. I also had a Roland Bolt 60 tube head and Yamaha cabinet. The distortion sucked for hard rock, so I also used a DOD distortion pedal. Then I bought my first Kramer and the rest is history.
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 4

my first guitar was an ibanez GSA 60 and the amp was a rogue GS 20R i think thats pretty good for my first guitar.
# 5

A strat copy and a 15w Peavy Amp. The guitar is heavy as hell feels like a LP but hell it ain't LP. And Peavy amp, I don't know if it's me or the guitar but its quite impossible to get a raw fat distortion, good for bluesy tones though. Get trashy distortion when using headphone.
Bought a double humbucker guitar but nothing changed till I got my MT-2.
Bought a double humbucker guitar but nothing changed till I got my MT-2.
# 6
First guitar - Yamaha FG412S - solid top acoustic which just seems to get better with age - action, feel, tone! Everyone, guitarists and non-guitarists alike are always complimenting me on how nice the guitar sounds (what am I supposed to say, Thanks? I didn't do any work!). Anyways, I had no idea about guitars when I got it, but used my mom's philosophy of spending more on something good quality than getting something cheap that won't last. And it's lasted 6 years, now!
First electric was a Squier (I didn't follow my mom's philosophy) and a Fender Frontman 15W practice amp (I got the Squier Strat Pack). The Squier was returned about a week later for a Fender Mexican Strat, and the Frontman was traded in against a Traynor 40W all-tube amp about a year later.
So, these days my setup is the Mexican Strat and the Traynor amp, both of which I am fully satisfied with!
First electric was a Squier (I didn't follow my mom's philosophy) and a Fender Frontman 15W practice amp (I got the Squier Strat Pack). The Squier was returned about a week later for a Fender Mexican Strat, and the Frontman was traded in against a Traynor 40W all-tube amp about a year later.
So, these days my setup is the Mexican Strat and the Traynor amp, both of which I am fully satisfied with!
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 7

First guitar is Ibanez grx and a peavey amp transtube rage 158. Still using them.
*Speed is nothing without control*
# 8

The first guitar I ever had was an acoustic that my grandfather made as part of his little hobby/side business before I was even born. The first acoustic I ever bought myself was a Fender F-330 12 string which I still have. For electric, I had a BC Rich Warlock with a p.o.s Peavey Blazer practice amp. Still have the warlock but upgraded the amp to a Line 6
~When it's dark enough, you can see the stars~
# 9

First Guitar was a Fender DG-7 Acoustic, first amp was my Fender Standard Tele. My first real set of gear was either the Tele or my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Amp.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 10

I still got my first guitar also. It's in storage with all the other favorite guitars of mine. It has no paint on it anymore (first experience with a sander), scalloped fretboard from the 12th fret on, and I think (haven't plugged it in in about 10 years or so) that I rewired the guitar so that only the humbucker worked with the volume knob. I took out the other pickups and all the swithed and tone controls. They were all too much work. I like the "simple is better" philosophy.
Man all this nostalgia. I might have to go and pull it out and put some strings on it. :)
Man all this nostalgia. I might have to go and pull it out and put some strings on it. :)
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 11

It was hell to decide i remember..not too long ago hehe
fender strat, and marshall valvestate 2000 avt 100
fender strat, and marshall valvestate 2000 avt 100
'i dont have low self esteem, it's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else' - Daria
# 12
First Guitar: a Guya cheapo Japanese ES-335 knockoff.
First amp: my parents Hi-Fi (monophonic in those days)
First 'real' guitar: 1965 Yamaha SG2 sunburst Strat copy
First 'real' amp: Traynor YBA-1B BassMaster (that name still looks like some kind of fishing tackle) borrowed from a friend.
First amp: my parents Hi-Fi (monophonic in those days)
First 'real' guitar: 1965 Yamaha SG2 sunburst Strat copy
First 'real' amp: Traynor YBA-1B BassMaster (that name still looks like some kind of fishing tackle) borrowed from a friend.
# 13

Well my first guitar is a Gibson SG Faded, i used to practice on whatever guitar i could find at the time, my friends acoustic for a couple of hours, a friends fender, but finally decided to buy a guitar. I should of went cheaper but eh, i like the SG.
First amp along with that sg, marshall mg15cdr, its an ok 15 watt amp, does its job, reverb sucks on it though, could of been better.
Currently im eyeing to buy a better amp, just not sure if i should go for the combo amps (tube/hybrid or solid state), or go for a half stack with a head (im a freak who loves vintage sounds).
First amp along with that sg, marshall mg15cdr, its an ok 15 watt amp, does its job, reverb sucks on it though, could of been better.
Currently im eyeing to buy a better amp, just not sure if i should go for the combo amps (tube/hybrid or solid state), or go for a half stack with a head (im a freak who loves vintage sounds).
# 14

Originally Posted by: joshersWell my first guitar is a Gibson SG Faded, i used to practice on whatever guitar i could find at the time, my friends acoustic for a couple of hours, a friends fender, but finally decided to buy a guitar. I should of went cheaper but eh, i like the SG.
First amp along with that sg, marshall mg15cdr, its an ok 15 watt amp, does its job, reverb sucks on it though, could of been better.
Currently im eyeing to buy a better amp, just not sure if i should go for the combo amps (tube/hybrid or solid state), or go for a half stack with a head (im a freak who loves vintage sounds).
That's a great question actually- I've played through a re-issued fender twin, which was ok, as well as a Marshall GCRCD100- I think that was the model. I would say this: tube is good, but it can be pretty closely replicated by a solid state amp in conjunction with pedals. Right now though, I have to say that I am absolutely enamored with Line 6's products. I scored a Spider 112 for like 150 used, and it's better than any amp I've ever played through. Not precise modeling, but as close to replication as possible, and using digital technology.
I dig them- I heard the 2nd generation spiders kinda suck compared to the 1st, but I absolutely love mine, and I play a tele, a 51 and an ibanez artcore through it.
[FONT=Times New Roman]The rich get richer til the poor get educated.[/FONT]
-Sage Francis
-Sage Francis
# 15

First guitar was a Peavey Raptor and amp was a used Crate G-10 and i still have it! its a terrible amp, but i really have no reason to part with it. the guitar is looong gone though.
# 16

Originally Posted by: Homebrew1709First guitar was a Peavey Raptor and amp was a used Crate G-10 and i still have it! its a terrible amp, but i really have no reason to part with it. the guitar is looong gone though.
that's awesome! I still have my old Raptor- I tried to `rod it and totally wrecked the thing! I keep the rubble as a warning against such ambition in the future! lol
[FONT=Times New Roman]The rich get richer til the poor get educated.[/FONT]
-Sage Francis
-Sage Francis
# 17

Squier Strat and a Fender 15w practice amp, I later hotrodded the squier with a Seymour Duncan hot rail. Now I have a Jackson DXMG Dinky and a Peavey Bandit 112 transtube.
"Live your life while you have it. A life not lived is a life wasted, and a life wasted is unforgivable."
Tyler Wilkins
Feb 2003
Tyler Wilkins
Feb 2003
# 18
My first guitar was a Fender Redondo acoustic which I still play all the time after 10 years of abuse. My first electric set up was an Ibanez RG420 and a Marshall VS100 1x12 combo. Niether of which I still have, but I kind of wish I still had the combo. To say the least, I've come a long way since then.
# 19

I still play my chech eurotrash guitar thru a no name homemade amp ment for a record player. I do have some great pedals; big muff and tube screamer.
I love this rig. Gear is cool but I think most of your sound / tone comes from your mind and fingers. Sometimes ZZTop will pull into a city and buy cheap
junk from a pawn shop and play it at their gig. They still sound like ZZ Top
regardless of the gear.
I love this rig. Gear is cool but I think most of your sound / tone comes from your mind and fingers. Sometimes ZZTop will pull into a city and buy cheap
junk from a pawn shop and play it at their gig. They still sound like ZZ Top
regardless of the gear.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power;we will know peace" J. Hendrix
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