play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
2 songs for critic

there are 2 songs up for critic please, one is for my band servant called he died for you and the other is a collaberation i did over the internet with a friend it is a mettalica cover tune we did. thanks
# 1
I only found "He died"
First up:
Vocals: I think these need to be brought down into the mix a bit. Id use less reverb and more compression. You could make this sound a lot nicer by using harmonies but, be sure they are in as out of tune harmonies will kill a song dead in the water. All it takes is a little practice. Also experiment with the different intervals, substituting a 4th for a 3rd can make a big difference!
Lead guitar: Id bring this back into the mix as it is too loud relative to the rest of the back line
Hope this helps
First up:
Vocals: I think these need to be brought down into the mix a bit. Id use less reverb and more compression. You could make this sound a lot nicer by using harmonies but, be sure they are in as out of tune harmonies will kill a song dead in the water. All it takes is a little practice. Also experiment with the different intervals, substituting a 4th for a 3rd can make a big difference!
Lead guitar: Id bring this back into the mix as it is too loud relative to the rest of the back line
Hope this helps
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2

doc your ears are always welcome in my thread.
me and one of my friends had done a collab over the internet on a metallica cover song but i had to remove it because it infringed on some copywrite law or somthing being that it was a cover and we didnt have written permision. i am going to retrack the guitar rythms and leads using my brand new amp i just bought,(gott a line6 vetta head and a 4+10 and a 4+12 cabinet and a shure sm57 mic. this setup realy rocks and has every kinda sound i ever dreamed of. ill let you know when i repost it because we are gonna add harmonys and yes id like to substitute a 4th for a 3rd it adds interest. thanks for the ears friend. tim
me and one of my friends had done a collab over the internet on a metallica cover song but i had to remove it because it infringed on some copywrite law or somthing being that it was a cover and we didnt have written permision. i am going to retrack the guitar rythms and leads using my brand new amp i just bought,(gott a line6 vetta head and a 4+10 and a 4+12 cabinet and a shure sm57 mic. this setup realy rocks and has every kinda sound i ever dreamed of. ill let you know when i repost it because we are gonna add harmonys and yes id like to substitute a 4th for a 3rd it adds interest. thanks for the ears friend. tim
play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
# 3