play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
new to forum

hi all,just wanted to say hi and tell you a little about myself, i have been playing guitar for some 20 years now and about 4 years ago i gott into homerecording so as to produce my own music wright from home.i have been married for 11 years now and have a 8 year old is a link to my mp3 site where you can download and stream some of my music. i am a born again christian and just recently joined a christian metal anyway with all that outta the way id like to say that this is a very informative site and im looking forward to being a part of it. god bless, tim pate
# 1

Well let me be the first to say HELLO!
And welcome to the forum.
I'm skipjohnk and i've been here off and on for a couple of years.I just started playin' last year but not steady.
But now i practice everyday.But it's just a hobby.Someday i hope to be good at it.I play left handed like Hendrix,So it's been hard to read music.But i got it now.So good luck in your venture and may God bless. :)
And welcome to the forum.
I'm skipjohnk and i've been here off and on for a couple of years.I just started playin' last year but not steady.
But now i practice everyday.But it's just a hobby.Someday i hope to be good at it.I play left handed like Hendrix,So it's been hard to read music.But i got it now.So good luck in your venture and may God bless. :)
2 each is reach,If i don't cop it ain't mine 2 have,But i luv u C.C.
# 2

thanks skip, i have a good friend who plays left handed and man it looks hard.i give you alot of credit. ive played for a long time but my biggest problem is i skipped all the theory stuff and went wright into a rut and was stuck in a box for 10 of those 20 years ive played lol. but im slowly learning theory from websites such as this one. make sure you check out some of music at the above link. thanks for the welcome and ill see you around. god bless
play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
# 3

Hi flashace.. you have a great recording there. Keep it up. :)
*Speed is nothing without control*
# 4

Welcome flash2ace.You'll like it here,I think.
Now,you seem to be like the kind of guy I should ask this:
A lot has been said regarding rock music and devil worship.You,on the other hand are a born again christian in a christian metal band.
Mind commenting?
P.S:I don't buy any of that dw stuff,personally.If you want to w the d,you can do it through any kind of music you wish,it's what is in your heart that counts.
Now,you seem to be like the kind of guy I should ask this:
A lot has been said regarding rock music and devil worship.You,on the other hand are a born again christian in a christian metal band.
Mind commenting?
P.S:I don't buy any of that dw stuff,personally.If you want to w the d,you can do it through any kind of music you wish,it's what is in your heart that counts.
# 5

hi king david, id first like to say thanks to all who have said far as music and d.w, well the bible tells us that if we play music in a manner that relates to praising the lord then it is good.i believe music has a very big emotional impact on people, for instance it can make you very happy or just the reverse of that very sad. so yes i believe there is music that can bring you closer to jesus christ or saviour, and there is certainly music that can let the devil come into your a christian i believe that if you leave the door open it is easy for satan to step in and yes i believe that some music can do just that. now just because music is not labeled christian does not make it satans music, there is music that is non christian that has a goos message to it, i have wrote several songs for my beutiful wife that were just simply love songs. i believe musics meaning is where your heart is when you write it.i dont realy wanna preach to much but if anyone has any spiritual questions they need to ask feel free. i am not a judgemental person and i dont flame people for there opinions. i hope this was helpful for you king. and thanks for all the coments and such. god bless all. tim pate.
play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
# 6

Originally posted by flash2ace
...i believe musics meaning is where your heart is when you write it.i dont realy wanna preach to much but if anyone has any spiritual questions they need to ask feel free...
That's my feeling too.It's what is in your heart.
I don't mind being preached to,tho' these days I don't go to church much.I used to,and I'm thinking of getting back to it.Sometimes there's lots of crap in church.Like when my moms died,the church couldn't give her a decent burial coz she never used to eat holy communion.would you belive that?Now,who the hell(sometimes cussing makes for such nice puns)said eating h.c will get you to heaven?
# 7

hi king, wow what you said just floored me.what denomination was the church you were attending.
im guessing it must have been catholic.that is
a terrible misrepresintaion of gods intentions.
i will pray for those people and i have prayed
for youe mom.i believe there is power in the spoken see when god made the earth he SAID let there
be light. he didnt think let there be whenever
you pray always speak the words and them in jesus name.
comunion has nothing to do with your moms or your
sporitual meaning to the lord. i go to a non-denominational
chirch. we are evangelist that believe in jesus and we believe if you accept him in your heart you will walk beside him in heaven. dont worry king your mom is in heaven.
and i am sure she is smiling down at you and your family.
and she is trying to tell you to go back to church and get with the lord.i am so sorry to hear about the church doing that to you. that is not the way god intends a church to be.
anyway my friend i am preaching now so i will stop. if i were you and i wanted to see god represented wright i would go out and find a non-denomination church is realy big on music and my band plays at sundays service for the youth group all the time. we play 3rd day music and skillet and some of our own music we have wrote.anyway i wish you luck and i will pray for god to show you that his church is for you and there is love for you there.i will talk to you again later my friend and i wish you a blessed day. god bless you and yours. tim pate
im guessing it must have been catholic.that is
a terrible misrepresintaion of gods intentions.
i will pray for those people and i have prayed
for youe mom.i believe there is power in the spoken see when god made the earth he SAID let there
be light. he didnt think let there be whenever
you pray always speak the words and them in jesus name.
comunion has nothing to do with your moms or your
sporitual meaning to the lord. i go to a non-denominational
chirch. we are evangelist that believe in jesus and we believe if you accept him in your heart you will walk beside him in heaven. dont worry king your mom is in heaven.
and i am sure she is smiling down at you and your family.
and she is trying to tell you to go back to church and get with the lord.i am so sorry to hear about the church doing that to you. that is not the way god intends a church to be.
anyway my friend i am preaching now so i will stop. if i were you and i wanted to see god represented wright i would go out and find a non-denomination church is realy big on music and my band plays at sundays service for the youth group all the time. we play 3rd day music and skillet and some of our own music we have wrote.anyway i wish you luck and i will pray for god to show you that his church is for you and there is love for you there.i will talk to you again later my friend and i wish you a blessed day. god bless you and yours. tim pate
play music unto the lord in a manner of praise.
# 8