Chair advice.

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03/21/2021 4:18 pm

Anybody got any advice on what kind of chair to use. I know obviously one without arms, but I really need a comfortable chair for some sciatic problems I have in lower back so was wondering what some of you use.

I've done some research on Guitar chairs and there seem like some nice options out there through amazon, but they are also a little on pricey side. What about just a good dining room chair with a good pad to sit on and back. I'm thinking of hitting a used furniture store this afternon to see if I can find one.

Or would a shop stool with a back be a better option? Should I get something on wheels or one that swivels or totally stationary. I do play standing up sometimes but even standing for long periods at a time hurts that area and my electric guitar seems to have a serious dip at the neck. I've adjusted the strap many ways, but it still keeps dipping downward and I have to spend energy holding it upright which I know is not good. I had read that Gibson SG's were famous for that but this is a Telecaster. Anyone else experience that?

Any ideas?



# 1
William MG
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William MG
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03/21/2021 4:45 pm

Hi Moe

I need something that gives just a little support to the lower back. I am good in my office chair because it has an adjustable back that I can get it up nice and tight with small of my lower back.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
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03/21/2021 5:26 pm

Hi William, yeah I have a nice comfortable office chair as well but it has arms on it. I've been using a stenographers chair which is fine but lately everytime I stand up from it from even fifteen minutes in it I'm in agony. Takes me a while to straighten out. Nine years of driving a commercial truck probably is not helping me either and retirement is not in the near future so every chair I buy now has to really be comfortable and supportive. Even motorcycling is pretty much all done now. Sucks getting old.


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03/21/2021 6:18 pm


I am using an office chair as well. The arms are adjustable up and down and they go down far enough that they don't get in my way when playing. Being an office chair, it has several adjustments thereby giving me good back support. Also find that it is comfortable which makes me forget to get up once in a while to stretch!

As for your other question, I don't normally play standing up. But I just tried my telecaster standing up and didn't notice any dipping as I played. Perhaps it is only because I played a couple of minutes standing up?


# 4
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03/21/2021 8:04 pm

Thanks Jim. [br][br]

I don't usually play standing up either. Just something I noticed recently. Maybe I'm not applying enough pressure on my right forearm on the body so when I make a chord change by lifting my fingers slightly off the neck it tends to dip down. Gotta keep my right forearm in place I guess.

As for a chair I'll probably get another office chair similar to what I have without the arms or something along what you described. A chair is like a guitar. Gotta really try it out first before ordering something online that has mixed reviews. Everyone's butt is different. I learned that from riding harleys for 18 years. lol. [br][br]

# 5
William MG
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William MG
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03/21/2021 9:34 pm

Funny you mentioned riding Moe. Took mine out for the 1st time yesterday to begin my 44th season riding.

Have a safe season.

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

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03/21/2021 10:07 pm

That's awesome William. Keep the rubber down.

# 7
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03/22/2021 12:21 am
Originally Posted by: mjgodin

Anybody got any advice on what kind of chair to use. I know obviously one without arms, but I really need a comfortable chair for some sciatic problems I have in lower back so was wondering what some of you use.

I've done some research on Guitar chairs and there seem like some nice options out there through amazon, but they are also a little on pricey side. What about just a good dining room chair with a good pad to sit on and back. I'm thinking of hitting a used furniture store this afternon to see if I can find one.

Or would a shop stool with a back be a better option? Should I get something on wheels or one that swivels or totally stationary. I do play standing up sometimes but even standing for long periods at a time hurts that area and my electric guitar seems to have a serious dip at the neck. I've adjusted the strap many ways, but it still keeps dipping downward and I have to spend energy holding it upright which I know is not good. I had read that Gibson SG's were famous for that but this is a Telecaster. Anyone else experience that?

Any ideas?



I am looking for a new office chair. When I get it, I am going to remove the arms from my old one and make that my playing chair.

# 8

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