So I listened to some of his soundbites on the net and was BLOWN away. Completly unique, effertless meshing of several unique styles and WAY sooo fast.I'm talking blistering speed, accuracy and technique.
This guy is one of the very few, who has in my opinion the any chance to go to the top with the likes of Malmsteen,Via, and Satriani. May take awhile, but we'll be debating him soon enough.
Here is his response to my scathing email to him, defending Malmsteen as the fastest/technicaly best in the world:
im gonna type in small print since you slammed me so hard. i loved the letter
you wrote. it was good, i have to admit. i do agree that yngwie would blow me
off stage. when i see him play live, it is almost majical. he inspires me
more than any guitarist i can think of. i cannot do that on stage like he
does. i dont even try to do what he does. he is to good at what he does to be
copied by anyone. yngwie is a very close friend of a friend of mine, and
because of that i had the honor of meeting him, he actually played one of my
guitars. preety cool. i dont think yngwie liked the title to my demo either.
as a matter of fact i dont even think he likes me at all. that doesnt change
my opinion of him. i respect him for his talent. i have been inspired by alot
of players- van halen,randy rhoads, vinnie moore, tony macalpine, all of whom
who were shredding in thier own style before they heard of yngwie
malmsteen(including myself). i was a shredder before i heard of yngwie. when
ynwie came out alot of guys ****in quite playing. one close friend of mine
said quote"this guy is playing the style i have been perfecting" he was an
awesome player, and he quite. you have to understand that yngwie was not the
first guy to shred. ask yngwie, he would tell you go listen to frank marino,
or especially uli roth, whom yngwie absolutely worships. do your homework.
dont believe me, find out for yourself. go to any search engine, and you
could verify what im saying.
as for the name of the demo"fastest guitar on earth". i knew that might raise
eyebrows, and i dont care. the cd is dedicated to the fastest guitarist on
earth whoever that may be. it even says that on the cd. am i the fastest
guitarist in the world? i doubt it. am i faster than yngwie? yes , who give
a ****. thats not why yngwie is so great. he is great because of his style.
why do you think yngwie is so insecure? i dont know, but maybe its because he
knows he is not the fastest. truth hurts. personally, i think he is ****in
paranoid. i mean if i was that famous, and rich, i would not care who was
faster than me. what a joke! maybe that paranoia helps him and others stay on
their toes. i dont know. i do find your opinion very interesting. thanks for
the honest letter. i respect someone who has a strong opinion.
take care,
[Edited by rh287 on 01-11-2003 at 06:54 PM]