Your first

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09/29/2000 11:51 am
What turned you onto music first? What did you hear on radio, tape? And you where just blown away.. Well me I listened to the radio I had songs I like but music was just the radio, nothing special. Then my mom got me a Manowar CD. I played that CD. This was the first metal I heard. I started to bang my head. It was like love at first hear. That was like 4 years ago. Then my friend sold me Megadeth Peace Sells, and Youthanasia. When I heard thoughs CD's I knew, Metal was for me... Sence then I buy atleast 4 CDs a month. Music is my life now not just playing it, but hearing it. All the time my music is got me though the bad times, and the good times. I swear if I didn't have my music I would be dead by now. I don't know how many times, some good music stop me for ending it all.

Is it just me or does life suck? Maybe I suck and it just life? We shall never know...
Up with dope! Down with hope!
A guitar is like a woman, touch her right, and she shall sing.
Is it just me or does life suck? Maybe I suck and it just life? We shall never know...
Up with dope! Down with hope!
A guitar is like a woman, touch her right, and she shall sing.
# 1
Joined: 08/22/00
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09/29/2000 5:01 pm
To me it all started when i heard queen's i want it all on TV program and my dad said it was queen, i was then 11-12 years old...
i searched for this song on the queen records i had in my home and this way i became their fan... later 2-2.5 years ago my dad gave me "made in japan" / deep purple
and then i became purple fan and i started to learn the guitar... actualy this first playing of made in japan, starting with highwaystar was maybe the best music expirience i've ever had...
hhh i think i will start crying now
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."

ren hoek
# 2
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09/29/2000 5:23 pm
I remember, it was about a year ago. I saw the "Cunning Stunts" Video, And I was amazed with kirks work. Back then I liked metallica but I onley liked them from the black album to reload. I think most people who are metallica fans were turned on to them from the black album. but any way I fast fowred through the songs I didnt know which was stupid! But thats when I started to learn the guitar. But I had always been around music, My grandpa plays country music, and my mom wanted to learn when she was young so he(my grandpa, or her dad) bought her some books to learn from but soon she lost intrest. But those exact same books are the ones I learnd out of. the first song in that book that I learned was called "Batter Up" It was just a little tune useind the two notes that It had tought me, F and E. Then after I masterd that song I skipped through the book and at the end I saw "Jingle Bells" so I learnd that with a bit of help from my grandpa. I might mintion that these books were made back in the 50's. after that I was tought how to read tabs by my grandpa and I rememberd seeing something called tabs on internet sites and i did!! so I rushed to all these metallica sites and printed out all these tabs for many songs. and I ran back to my room and picked up that old martin acoustic and started learning them. well little did I know those songs were to advanced for me at that time. But i strugled and struggled until I learnd to play "Enter Sandman" Just the intro though. I was so proud of myself and so was everyone else. then I bought alot of the old albums and was turned on to them, And thats when my mom decided I needed a teacher. So I got one his name is Jim Crye pronounced cry as in sobb. And I was even more amazed with his work than kirks! and he tought me power chords and some scales and I still go to him every saturday for lessons. Oh no thats tommorow!! i havent finished my homework yet!!!!! Oh he also gives me homework too..... AGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Bye guys I got to go learn my homework!!!!!
He's totaly Mad,Crazy,Loony Toony And Even Offty Mc.Goofty!!.... I LIKE HIM!!!!!

Have You Been Drinking??
Yes I Have, Ive Been Drinking From the Well Of Eternal Sadness.
# 3

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09/29/2000 8:29 pm
My love with music began just over a year ago. Before then I was just into what every other loser was into: rap. Then I heard some Aerosmith and started getting some mp3s off the net. I loved Aerosmith, then started branching out to other artists. If there was one deciding song that completed my transition however, it would be Crazy Train by Ozzy. When I heard that one, I was blown away. That's how it began for me.
# 4
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09/30/2000 4:41 am
Hearing Jimi Hendrix's Are You Experienced for the first time pretty much did it for me. I never had any interest in playing guitar until I heard this album.
# 5
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09/30/2000 4:47 am
Well I was 15.

MY friend had learned a little on the guitar and I thought I'd give it a try, nothing much, just a few chords.

Then, I bought Jimi Hendrix's "Live at Woodstock" and it changed my life.

I knew the first time I heard him play "VooDoo child", that that was what I'd do the rest of my life.
When attempting the impossible, you achieve the best possible
# 6
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01/04/2001 5:42 am
well when i was very little my grandpa used to always play his strat and id sit and watch him and ask him how he does it and even try but i was like 4 or 5 and the thing was really kinda heavy and i could barly pick it up let alone play it... but i guess my best friend a few years back got me into wanting to play guitar.. he had it all you know how it is, hes the musician that knows it all, hes even worked with stevie nicks... (yeah that stevie nicks... i didnt belive it either till he brought me a pic of em)any ways i was chillin over at his house after school one day and we was listing to blues travelers "runaround" and he was playin it.. and i said damn that stuffs easy to do aint it, of coarse he said yea, so i went home and "stole" my step dads global accustic and started "tryin" to play but it just wasnt workin so i went to my grandpa and told him that i was intrested and he gave me his ovation accustic/electric that he had had for about 30 some odd years and told me to practice on that, but if i got bored with it to give it back to him and that if i sold it he would kick my ass... well i taught my self, bought a strat, and i have been playing every since... anyways thats my story and now you can wake up!
# 7
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03/26/2023 3:06 am
#0 Originally Posted by: OldSkoolPunk02
What turned you onto music first? What did you hear on radio, tape? And you where just blown away.. Well me I listened to the radio I had songs I like but music was just the radio, nothing special. Then my mom got me a Manowar CD. I played that CD. This was the first metal I heard. I started to bang my head. It was like love at first hear. That was like 4 years ago. Then my friend sold me Megadeth Peace Sells, and Youthanasia. When I heard thoughs CD's I knew, Metal was for me... Sence then I buy atleast 4 CDs a month. Music is my life now not just playing it, but hearing it. All the time my music is got me though the bad times, and the good times. I swear if I didn't have my music I would be dead by now. I don't know how many times, some good music stop me for ending it all.

Is it just me or does life suck? Maybe I suck and it just life? We shall never know...
Up with dope! Down with hope!
A guitar is like a woman, touch her right, and she shall sing.

My dad, once upon a time, played guitar for Charlie Pride. I remember as young child watching my father and his friends playing instruments. I couldn't understand how they made the music happen, It was like magic to me. My dad never taught me how to play. I was about eight or so and was at friends house, and they had a guitar that only had three strings left on it, and they let me have it. I remember running home and up to my room, moving fingers up and down the strings, I was so excited by the different sounds. I knew I was going to strive to be a good guitar player, when I first heard Zeppelin iv, Jimmy Page was my guitar hero when I was a teen.

# 8

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