I remember, it was about a year ago. I saw the "Cunning Stunts" Video, And I was amazed with kirks work. Back then I liked metallica but I onley liked them from the black album to reload. I think most people who are metallica fans were turned on to them from the black album. but any way I fast fowred through the songs I didnt know which was stupid! But thats when I started to learn the guitar. But I had always been around music, My grandpa plays country music, and my mom wanted to learn when she was young so he(my grandpa, or her dad) bought her some books to learn from but soon she lost intrest. But those exact same books are the ones I learnd out of. the first song in that book that I learned was called "Batter Up" It was just a little tune useind the two notes that It had tought me, F and E. Then after I masterd that song I skipped through the book and at the end I saw "Jingle Bells" so I learnd that with a bit of help from my grandpa. I might mintion that these books were made back in the 50's. after that I was tought how to read tabs by my grandpa and I rememberd seeing something called tabs on internet sites and i did!! so I rushed to all these metallica sites and printed out all these tabs for many songs. and I ran back to my room and picked up that old martin acoustic and started learning them. well little did I know those songs were to advanced for me at that time. But i strugled and struggled until I learnd to play "Enter Sandman" Just the intro though. I was so proud of myself and so was everyone else. then I bought alot of the old albums and was turned on to them, And thats when my mom decided I needed a teacher. So I got one his name is Jim Crye pronounced cry as in sobb. And I was even more amazed with his work than kirks! and he tought me power chords and some scales and I still go to him every saturday for lessons. Oh no thats tommorow!! i havent finished my homework yet!!!!! Oh he also gives me homework too..... AGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Bye guys I got to go learn my homework!!!!!
He's totaly Mad,Crazy,Loony Toony And Even Offty Mc.Goofty!!.... I LIKE HIM!!!!!
Have You Been Drinking??
Yes I Have, Ive Been Drinking From the Well Of Eternal Sadness.