Fingering hand injury so bad you had to switch

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08/15/2002 4:49 am
Have you heard of anyone injuring their fingering hand so severely and they successfully switching to the other for fretting. I'm bringing this topic up because I sustained an injury to my index finger first joint on my fretting hand. I tried to play left but sounded like a total beginner.(I have 35 years experience) My question is: can one switch hands to fret and how long will it take to be competent again?
and no...I do not wish to play slide!!!
Thanks Ed
# 1
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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08/15/2002 7:57 pm
Tony Iommi lost the tips of some of his fingers, but he didn't switch hands. Are you sure thats what its come to?
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Locomotive breath
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Locomotive breath
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08/15/2002 8:07 pm
Quit jacking off so much! When I first started, I wanted to play left handed because I am left handed. But my grandad told me to play right handed. It felt awkward at first but now it feels awkward to try to play left hand. I don't think it would be like starting over but it would take some major getting used to.
P.S. I just turned my ax around and tried to fret chords. Maybe you should try to work with it somemore.
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08/15/2002 10:28 pm
Django Rhinehart (don't know if i spelled it right) had most of his fingers missing and was one of the best jazz guitarist of his era. He learned to make do with what he had.
# 4
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08/16/2002 10:55 pm
You needn't change anything but your point of view. I have lost the use of two fingers in my right hand from gout.
I've lost the use of my middle finger (for the time being and from a really freak accident) on my left hand. Playing helps the brain and the muscles. If you don't move the brain forward nothing moves. My bender still works great.
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