I saw this amp reviewed in the GT insider. I had already been shopping for a small portable amp that I could use for practice at home. I wanted great sound quality but at low volume to appease noise complaints. I gave this unit a good a test ride and bought it on the spot. Yamaha did a great job on this box!
It emulates many amp types very well and has several effects including delay and reverb. It has an excellent and simple to use tuner and many other options. The headphone jack allows me to go completely stealth without blowing the ear drums for quality. It runs on batteries or AC with no negatives and is small, lightweight and very easy to haul around. It also sounds awesome at higher volumes and connects to the computer very simply to download additional tunings for very specific sounds. You can save 5 custom settings on the unit For less than $300 it is an awesome fit for me. Even if you are not in the market for this type of amp I highly recommend testing it at your local music shop.
The only cons for me at first was just getting down all the settings but it didn't take long. The second con is everyone wants to borrow it.
Here is the URL http://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/guitars-basses/amps/thr/thr10_v2/