Day 1 on guitartricks!
So I have been playing for 15 (plus) years now and decided I really am not as good as I should be if I had applied myself properly. Always playing in originals bands (mainly rock and metal) I have never really needed to rely on knowing scales etc to do what I have needed to do. Now I feel its time as I am now a lead guitarist in a covers band and need to up my lead game. I know I have the speed and general technique although I am crap at working my way around the fingerboard in blues-esque jams and always stick to 'position 1' of the pentatonic scale.
I do know all 5 positions and have for a long time but its about bloody time I started linking and mastering the pentatonic , which I feel is a good place to start with proper general lead playing(unless I am advised otherise)
In short, I want to know if anybody can point me in the right direction to a series that will get me linkings positions and using licks within positions and generally get me started in the right direction.
I appreciate any input!