I didn't think this thread would go on for so long.
To be honest, i wrote the thread when i was d*** pissed off with my guitar. The problem with floating bridges is that it takes AGES to string them or even replace a string... when gauges are changed the bridge has to be loosened or tightened at the back and it has to be unscrewed and what not.
Tone wise its pretty good. I like the pickups and the feel of the neck but the guitar itself is really heavy. A friend of mine (marc terrien - highskool geetar king) gave me his Jackson kelley, he has 18 guitars and he gave me one of them, and i still have it but i hate the pick ups they sound weak and its got nothing to do with the tone knob.
Enough of me digressing ....
Les Pauls have been the objects of my affection for years. Its like all the good guitarists use them, but the guitar on its own minus the branding is all that matters.
i'll stick with the Ibanez 550 for a while longer see if i can get better ...
any wayz is there a way of getting more out of mu guitar? Someone put up a post saying my guitar isn't that bad...
Its equipped with V7 and V8 pickups and has a lo pro edge floyd rose floating bridge.
Its meant to be the Ibanez 550 'EX' the 'ex' is meant to mean that its some special eddition geetar or sumthin. the guy who sold it to me made it a big deal saying how great the geetar is and its the best ibanez in his stock.
well i'm off to get some sleep now - world cup fever.
real tyte bro \m/