Percussive guitar

I did a search and did not come up with any lessons here on percussive guitar. If anyone knows a lesson here that has one please post it. If there is none think we can have someone do a lesson on percussive guitar?
# 1
Mr Wooten has some really cool lessons on this subject.
You can check them out here
Be sure to check out his other lessons on funkanomics, they're really fun and inspiring!
You can check them out here
Be sure to check out his other lessons on funkanomics, they're really fun and inspiring!
# 2

Thank you for posting that link. I just watched all the lessons, quite a gold mine of ideas. I really liked the piano approach, never really looked at it that way before. Another something new to work on.
Thank you for posting that link. I just watched all the lessons, quite a gold mine of ideas. I really liked the piano approach, never really looked at it that way before. Another something new to work on.
# 3

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