15 years Guitar Tricks! What's your favorite memory?

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05/19/2013 11:26 pm
Hey everyone,

Just a few days I ago I received the GT-newsletter saying that GT marked it's 15th anniversary! So I went to the forum, thinking I would see some kind of happy anniversary topic. But not seeing this kind of topic I thought it would be a nice idea to start a topic on this because:

15 years of awesomeness CAN NOT GO UNNOTICED!

So happy anniversary guys!

My question to you is: What is your favorite memory with Guitar Tricks?

I'll start off with mine. A few years back I was searching for some guitar lessons on Youtube to help me remember the notes on the fretboard. I came across a video with a bald dude in it:


Yep you guessed it. It was mister Neal Walter. Soon after watching the lesson I subscribed to the channel, being unaware of the huge website behind it. I somehow didn't even now about it excisting. Following along with some lesson one popped up in my subscriber box:


Learning the awesome riff in the lesson, I placed a comment under the video saying how awesome it actually was. A few days later I was excited to see that Neal actually replied to my comment. This put such a huge smile on my face.

After leaving more and more comments on new videos Neal and I became friends (or so I would like to think, lol). After a while I learned of this website's excistance and signed up for a free basic membership. I surfed around on this forum and found it a great place with lots of positive vibes. Being taught privately at the time I didn't have the time or money to actually sign up to the website, but the idea was really appealing. After a while I decided that I didn't learn enough at the guitar lessons my teacher provided me with, so I quit. Somehow he couldn't help me break down that wall.

A year ago I finally signed up and went full access and haven't regretted it ever since. I followed courses of the core learning system and learned loads in the process. Even as an intermediate player I have become a much better and more versatile player. I still keep learning more and more.

One of the greatest achievements recently is that I finally was able to play Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix through Anders' lesson.

So thank you Jon, Neal and every other instructor (old and new) and staff member for the amazing experience this is!

For everyone who didn't want to read my story: My question to you is: What is your favorite memory with Guitar Tricks?

Happy anniversary!

# 1
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05/20/2013 4:04 am
Since I only found out about GT about a week before I signed up in April, I'm still creating my memories :)

I will say though, that after struggling my way through finding a logically assembled series of lessons for banjo ( and not finding it!), and then finding this site, wow! Here is what I needed for my banjo! I heard that it's easy to switch from guitar to banjo, so I put aside my banjo ( it feels a bit neglected at the moment...) and hunted for a guitar.

I am now an accidental guitarist because of GT :D I totally love it. I'll have a bigger story to tell by the GT's 20th anniversary.
The accidental guitarist.
# 2
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05/20/2013 5:04 am
15 years. Congrats Jon and Co. I've been here too long (over a decade? Yeesh...) to recall any specific memories that standout because well I'd have to write a book. Still waiting on them hologram lessons Jon....the future is now.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā€ - Magicninja
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# 3
Jon Broderick
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Jon Broderick
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05/20/2013 6:31 pm
This is a great thread. Thanks, JJ90!

I remember way way back in maybe 1999, the lessons had wav files, not videos. Videos would be way too big for dial up to transfer. The wav files had to be 8 bit, really small, and they sounded like they had been sent over AM radio. Then I heard about these new smaller better audio files. They were called "mp3 files" but you had to get "mp3 player software" to play them. You couldn't play them without downloading the mp3 player software.

I had to make a big decision. Should we go with this new "mp3 file?" Would it really catch on? Of course we did go with it, and of course it did catch on. It sounds silly now but at the time it was kind of risky.

Jon Broderick
Guitar Tricks Instructor

www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 4
Neal Walter
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Neal Walter
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05/20/2013 10:49 pm
wow JJ, thanks for sharing...ahh, the memories.

Jon, funny how time makes tech sound like less. I remember my kid's first PC, I think the hard drive was 100 MB.

-Bald Dude \,,/,
[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
GT Channel Host[/FONT]

# 5
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05/21/2013 1:16 am
Hahahahaha!! Bald Dude......... That is my memory.

Happy Anniversary GT. Thanks for my future memories.
# 6
Joseph Kimbrell
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05/21/2013 8:59 pm
Wow 15 years! That's crazy. 15 years ago Excite was still big! Funny thing is Excite still pretty much looks the same.

Happy anniversary GT, here's to future memories and me getting better at guitar.
# 7
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05/22/2013 12:17 am
15 years ago I was thinking of maybe starting to play guitar.

As for my GT memory well its the first day that I became a full access member and went :" Wow this is awesome "
Then in a short month I had learned so much stuff that I thought I knew. Greatest decision I ever made in my musical journey so far.
# 8
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05/22/2013 1:33 pm
Like Seb, I'm relatively new here. I remember poking around the site thinking "yeah, it's worth checking this out for a month". After signing up, I recall going to the different lesson areas and song lessons having a very strong feeling of an entire new world opening up to me! It's still amazing.

Here's to another 15 years to come!!
# 9
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05/22/2013 5:08 pm
Originally Posted by: maggiorLike Seb, I'm relatively new here.

Actually I have been a member for a couple of years :) I was recalling my first day here 3 years ago.
# 10
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05/22/2013 6:48 pm
Sorry, I realized that after I made my post. Compared to 15 years though, I guess it's relatively new :-).

Regardless, it sounds like we had a similar experience when we discovered the site.
# 11
Joseph Kimbrell
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Joseph Kimbrell
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05/28/2013 3:42 pm
It's pretty amazing the quality of on-line training now for instruments. The only setback I'd say is that you really need to be able to kick yourself in the butt to make yourself practice rather than having a teacher ram it down your throat :)

I am not currently doing the lessons on here (I will begin soon), but I have been doing something similar with flute.
# 12
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05/29/2013 12:54 am
Originally Posted by: Joseph KimbrellIt's pretty amazing the quality of on-line training now for instruments. The only setback I'd say is that you really need to be able to kick yourself in the butt to make yourself practice rather than having a teacher ram it down your throat :)


I'd have to say my favourite memory was just signing up. It kind of made a commitment for me.

I put the guitar down decades ago, and picked up for a few frustrating hours once or twice during that time. (If anyone knows what it's like remembering what you could do and can't, anymore, you know what mean.)

So, one day I did it on a whim, trying to get constructive with my time... I dove into it for the first year, did the core lessons and different genres after that. Money was tight, but bought the next subscription as kind of a present for myself and kept going.

I definitely have not 'kicked my own butt' enough to get all I should, but I keep coming back because I keep learning... 4 or 5 years, not even sure how many now.

I find GT and it's instructors have a sincere willingness to pass on knowledge. I probably would have shoved my old acoustic back in the closet after a few weeks or months if not for GT. Now I've got a herd of amps and pedals and gits and am always dumping more money out on more...

Um... Thanks GT? ;)
...so ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.
# 13
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05/29/2013 6:15 am
My favorite part is when i actually learned to play guitar :)
# 14
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08/31/2023 12:23 pm

My very favorite memory was when I became a subscriber and was literally knocked out by the incredible library of classic rock music! I may have even taken off a few days from work because there were so many songs of my youth that I was now going to be able to play. I particularly remember the Joe Walsh songs and how accurately they transcribed them. Although many are gone (especially the Walsh/Eagles), there are still some goodies that are around for now. Unfortunately gone are the Skynyrd, Prince and many others, but I’ve learned some pretty obscure Stones (!!!)

# 17
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09/01/2023 2:37 pm

My favorite Guitar Tricks memory is looking back over the excellent song library and learning my favorite tunes. Those days are over now, with the massive unpublishings, random Stones and public domain songs, and lack of communication. Guitar Tricks was once the premiere guitar instruction site and I totally dug it. I hope they can rebuild and move onward and upward. 

# 18

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