I need advice

So im looking for a good amp in the 200 to 400 dollar range for playing some rock and blues does anyone have a suggestion on what amp would be right for this? If so please let me know.
# 1

# 2

Line 6 "Jam" is a awsome amp. I play rock, blues.
Check it out on youtube, the Jam offers so many ways to help advance a guitar player it's crazy.
It sounds great with 12 different amp settings stock, peddle effects already on board. 12" speaker 75 watts.
I found a good link
They run $399.99 new.
Check it out on youtube, the Jam offers so many ways to help advance a guitar player it's crazy.
It sounds great with 12 different amp settings stock, peddle effects already on board. 12" speaker 75 watts.
I found a good link
They run $399.99 new.
# 3

Awesome I was looking at the Mustang III and didn't know it was the right choice but thanks alot guys.
# 4
Unless you are gonna be playing in medium sized rooms I would buy something with low wattage. I have a 20W H&K that gets plenty loud in a bedroom.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Still learning. One riff at a time. [/FONT]
# 5

# 6

depends whether your using solo effect pedals or multi effects board, if using a multi effects board then use the amp your board is labeled under e.g. line 6/ line 6 amp. if using 1-2 pedals then a low wattage amp would probably do. maybe roland dac 50d or fender. the bigger the wattage then probably the more you have to spend!
# 7

I would pick up a Fender Blues jr. or a hot rod Delux. I love the fender clean tone. If you are going to play in most Bar/Club they will have you patched into the PA. so you do not need a lot of power. However a Full Stack is so ROCK STAR! but you will get sick of moving it.
# 8

Go with a small tube amp, use your ears and try out everything in your price range. The blues Jr is great and hot rod deluxes can be had all day long used for your price range. Good luck.
If you have any specific questions feel free to p.m me , I have owned pretty much every small tube amp made, let's say I suffer from G.A.S time to time.
If you have any specific questions feel free to p.m me , I have owned pretty much every small tube amp made, let's say I suffer from G.A.S time to time.
# 9
For Blues and classic rock I bought a modeling amp, Vox VT20+ way too much amp for my needs. I sold it and downgraded to a Fender much more simple and you get only what you need. But if your playing blues in my humble opinion you must have reverb ever so little , but it is a must for blues and alot of the classic rock I play. One word REVERB
# 10

Im a METAL guy (or wannabe),and wondering what gear i should be looking at for Pantera ,rammstien ,Savatage stuff like that .
I am the way I am the light I am the dark inside the night,I hear your hopes I hear your Dreams and in the night i hear your screams.............
# 11
For a non tube Amp IMO the Tech21 Trademark 60 can't be beat. Especially if you're playing blues. It cuts through and you can play pretty much ANYTHING with it. This video is a bit boring but you will see the potential of the amp. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG6ca8w802c For the guy looking for a Metal focused amp this one will also do the trick. Although not really voiced for modern metal you can tweak it and get surprisingly good results. I gig with this a lot. especially when I need to just grab and go for a pick up gig. It's really simple to get a good tone, Has an effects loop and goes direct into the board as well. the Boost feature is AWESOME for bumping up those solos.
I own a few Line 6 products, Personally I think they have trouble cutting through the mix unless you're willing to spend Hours messing with them. Not Worth it IMO. Great for home recording. Useless on stage. Just My Opinion.
For Small Tube amps I really love My Hayden HGT 20 (My WHAT?) Watch the video below. I also like the Hayden MOFO's they come from 15W to 100W and let me tell you the 15W into a standard 4x12 cabinet will rip your head off. So before you go thinking you need lots of wattage. You really don't. Surprisingly these are all tube amps designed by Dave Green in England yet they are still in your price range. They can be a bit tricky to find in the states. If anyone is interested in them I can find you a dealer. Just PM me.
I own a few Line 6 products, Personally I think they have trouble cutting through the mix unless you're willing to spend Hours messing with them. Not Worth it IMO. Great for home recording. Useless on stage. Just My Opinion.
For Small Tube amps I really love My Hayden HGT 20 (My WHAT?) Watch the video below. I also like the Hayden MOFO's they come from 15W to 100W and let me tell you the 15W into a standard 4x12 cabinet will rip your head off. So before you go thinking you need lots of wattage. You really don't. Surprisingly these are all tube amps designed by Dave Green in England yet they are still in your price range. They can be a bit tricky to find in the states. If anyone is interested in them I can find you a dealer. Just PM me.
I got Blistas on my Fingas!
# 12
If you have the Dough Look at the Krank. Dime loved that amp. It should cover your bases. But Still look at the Tech 21 you'd be surprised at what it can do in the metal arena.
I got Blistas on my Fingas!
# 13
This will really show you the versatility of the MOFO 30w
And this is a little more Modern approach to the MOFO 15w
And this is a little more Modern approach to the MOFO 15w
I got Blistas on my Fingas!
# 14

The original poster probably already made his choice, but I thought I'd chime in with a very recent experience.
I went into guitar center a couple of weeks ago to try out a Line 6 Spider IV. Based on my research, I thought that was the amp for me. Playing through it at the store, it seemed sterile and didn't offer anything beyond my 12 year old kidney bean POD. I was dissapointed and I asked the sales person for suggestions of other simple "basic" amps. He plugged me into a Peavey ValveKing 112. It was a surreal experience for me - wow! The dynamics and drive of this thing just blew me away immediately. And this all tube amp at 50W cost exactly the same as the Line 6 amp I was looking at. I was dumbfounded.
I'm a very firm believer now in going out and trying stuff out first hand and forming your own opinion. I would have made a very big mistake otherwise.
So take what others suggest into account (I suggest going with a tube amp), but take the time to try equipment out and form your own opinion.
I went into guitar center a couple of weeks ago to try out a Line 6 Spider IV. Based on my research, I thought that was the amp for me. Playing through it at the store, it seemed sterile and didn't offer anything beyond my 12 year old kidney bean POD. I was dissapointed and I asked the sales person for suggestions of other simple "basic" amps. He plugged me into a Peavey ValveKing 112. It was a surreal experience for me - wow! The dynamics and drive of this thing just blew me away immediately. And this all tube amp at 50W cost exactly the same as the Line 6 amp I was looking at. I was dumbfounded.
I'm a very firm believer now in going out and trying stuff out first hand and forming your own opinion. I would have made a very big mistake otherwise.
So take what others suggest into account (I suggest going with a tube amp), but take the time to try equipment out and form your own opinion.
# 15