Guitar chords,verses: G Gmaj7 C Am D G G Gmaj7 C Am C G
Chorus: G C G CG EM Bm Am G C A Am D G
Ending: G Gmaj7 Am7 D G
Thanks in advance for your expertise.
Originally Posted by: CrossbowI know you guys are top notch player's. I am working on learning Lyin Eyes from the Eagles and wanted to know if either of you played this song? If so are these the correct cords?
Guitar chords,verses: G Gmaj7 C Am D G G Gmaj7 C Am C G
Chorus: G C G CG EM Bm Am G C A Am D G
Ending: G Gmaj7 Am7 D G
Thanks in advance for your expertise.
Originally Posted by: RazboI used to play that song, and what you have seems pretty close. On the second half of the D in the verse add C note with your pinky at the 3rd fret.
Originally Posted by: RazboHa, ha! I am very far from a top notch player, I'm just enthusiastic! ;)
Originally Posted by: Razbo some hack like me. :)
Originally Posted by: CrossbowRaz,
In fact there is not a lot of beginner lessons on the electric guitar here. I have finished all the ones Chris listed "1 & 2". [/quote]
Are you satisfied with your progress? Do you feel that you have this down good enough and feel comfortable with it?Originally Posted by: CrossbowIt seems they target acoustic guitars more for beginners here. [/quote]
All the theory work is universal between electric and acoustic.
[QUOTE=Crossbow]I wish they had more for the electric and there might have that I am over looking or can not find.
What are you looking for exactly?
[QUOTE=Crossbow]Chris being the only beginner teacher for the electric guitar seems to have him over loaded so I don't want to bug him.
Originally Posted by: RickBlackerJust remember, YOU said it first. I didn't :D[/QUOTE]
I never claimed otherwise. :p
Anyway, I used to have a real 'Git er done' attitude. If I couldn't figure out a chord, I'd eventually substitute something and play it that way until I figured it out. The 'unwashed masses' never knew the difference. :D
I am not the best person to ask about song chords, at least as far as stuff from my old days.
[QUOTE=Crossbow]In fact there is not a lot of beginner lessons on the electric guitar here. I have finished all the ones Chris listed "1 & 2". It seems they target acoustic guitars more for beginners here.
Originally Posted by: RickBlackerAre you satisfied with your progress? Do you feel that you have this down good enough and feel comfortable with it?[/QUOTE]
Thats a good question. Just how long does it take one to learn 3 easy "A,D & E" cords? If you look at how he plays the very beginning of this:
it is not the same as lesson at the end where he has you playing it like this:
This can confuse one when they wanted to learn how he played it to start with and not how the lesson shows at the end. The answer to your question would be yes I have the 3 cords down pat.
Originally Posted by: RickBlackerAll the theory work is universal between electric and acoustic.[/quote]
Really? For the life of me I can not get my electric to sound like a acoustic. Lets say if I took one of Lisa songs that she teaches her beginners on the acoustic, It does not in no way shape or form sound the same on my electric. The song was made for acoustic to start with or she would be playing an electric for this lesson.Originally Posted by: RickBlackerWhat are you looking for exactly?
Well seeing I posted a song on here that is not on this site then it says I am looking for some older rock songs like the Eagles. Something easy for a beginner like the one I posted. I played this on the acoustic while my electric was in the shop and again there was no comparison at all. My electric blew the acoustic out the water so to say.
[QUOTE=RickBlacker]While it's true that Chris had done most of the beginning lessons in section one and two, by no means does that restrict you to only asking him. You should feel free to ask any instructor any questions you like. I personally wouldn't ask one of the country guys anything about thrash metal but... You get my point.
Just feels wrong to ask another instructor that is not teaching the lesson questions when they were not the one teaching it. Make sense?
[QUOTE=RickBlacker]I'm really confused as to why you feel this site is mostly focused on acoustic.
Originally Posted by: RazboIf you focus in on Lisa McC's lessons, you'll find some great acoustic stuff.
Originally Posted by: lynchjukHi Lisa
Thanks for your reply.
I have now finished your Acoustic Strumming lessons 1-7 and I must say it was a great help, as with all your lessons.
I wanted to learn more strumming patterns mostly in the Rock style. If i do your Country course will that afffect Rock Strumming Patterns latter on in my guitar playing? Should I consentrate on Rock from now?
Many Thanks
And here is the majic answer:
[QUOTE=LisaMcC]Hi James,
Moving over to a concentration on Rock strumming might not be a bad idea at this juncture. The Country course really does focus more on folk and country traditions. It wouldn't hurt you, but may not be the fastest route to where you'd like to go.
Have you checked out the official GT Rock Courses?
Originally Posted by: RickBlackerHey Crossbow....
If I understand you correctly, you're saying you would like to see more rock style strumming?
Originally Posted by: Crossbow
Really? For the life of me I can not get my electric to sound like a acoustic. Lets say if I took one of Lisa songs that she teaches her beginners on the acoustic, It does not in no way shape or form sound the same on my electric. The song was made for acoustic to start with or she would be playing an electric for this lesson.
Originally Posted by: RazboI'm not trying to be snarky. We just can't help you with the site issues :)