Best AC/DC album NOT named Back in Black?

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01/09/2010 12:19 am
I am traveling again so I am away from my guitar and bored. I've been reading a book about AC/DC's history which has led me to post this.

To me Back in Black is head and shoulders above anything else I have heard from them. Its one of those rare albums that I will put in the player and not touch it again 'til it has played through.

I can only judge those which I have heard all the way through. Of the ones that I own, my list goes:
2 Ball Breaker
4 The Razors edge
5 Black Ice

Based on what I am reading in this book, Powerage will likely be my next purchase.

So, AC/DC fans, how does your list look?
# 1
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01/09/2010 6:36 am
My fave is Back in Black. It is just that good of an album. You do really want to dig in to the Bon Scott stuff. My AC/DC listening does pretty much stops at 'For Those About to Rock'.

Must have: Dirty Deeds, Let There Be Rock and, of course, Highway to Hell.
# 2
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01/09/2010 9:08 am
Hey All,
I've heard all their songs at one time or another, but the only album I have by them is "Back In Black". I've had a copy of this since high school, started with a cassette tape my 10th grade year.

That whole album is loaded with cool riffs, and a whole lot of technique too. The reason that album is so good, is because everything fits together. The licks are so tasteful, played with feeling, and energy that you can feel when you listen to it.

When I got my first distortion pedal, "Hells Bells" was the first thing I played. The solo on "You Shook Me All Night Long" is one of my faves to play. I always loved to catch the energy with a band too, especially when they knew it well. Everyone knew what it was as soon as I played that intro, and the crowd would go wild. I guess you could say we played a very aggressive version of it too, for some reason a fight broke out all but one time that we played it, lol.

Those were good times, and they're still great songs. "Back in Black" was another one the crowd knew as soon as we started it. I always had a blast playing those songs. I think "Back In Black" was their best album, and it's definitely my fave. Time to grab the guitar and play some AC/DC, catch you guys later.
# 3
Douglas Showalter
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01/10/2010 6:11 am
I am very partial to "The Razor's Edge." This album came out right around when I first started learning guitar (or at least had one in my regular possession), and I was into it. This album featured "Money Talks" and "Thunderstruck", both being guitar staples. Where as I think "Back in Black" is certainly there greatest commercial success, I do agree that they have many other records that combat with it.

Singer Brian Johnson was also in a band called "Geordie" that I think you should check out if AC/DC is your jam.
Douglas Showalter
# 4
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01/11/2010 1:11 pm
It may not be their best, but "Flick of the Switch" will always hold a special place in my heart... my first act of Rock 'n Roll rebellion was tricking my parents into buying this album for me after my fundy 3rd grade teacher told us we would burn in Hell if we even listened to AC/DC (among other bands). I ain't been right since...

# 5
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01/11/2010 4:28 pm
Flick of the Switch hold a speacial meaning to me as well. My first concert. Think I was in 10th grade.
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# 6
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01/11/2010 4:53 pm
i think fly on the wall was a great album. it has a very special place in my heart cause it was my first ac/dc album and after my dad caught me listening to it he broke the tape in half lucky for me the tape didnt break just the case so a little bit of surgery and a new shell from from his statler brothers tape made it work just fine again.

back in black is a great album but you really ned to go back into the bon scott era to get the real feel of the band. brian johnson is a great singer but i always thought he was trying a bit hard to sound like bon.
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# 7
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01/11/2010 7:52 pm
Of course BiB was one of their biggest successes. Not only because it was a great album, but because AC/DC was really becoming well loved about the time Bon died. When he did, there were zillions of fans, not only sad, but biting their nails waiting to see what would become of their beloved band. Then BiB (Back in Black) dropped and blew everyone's doors off and the hungry fans pounced on it a gobbled it up.

Me personally, having been an AC/DC fan since i was old enough to know who they were, I prefer Bon Scott. Brian is a great singer and took the band to a different level, but Bon's crazy, silly, wacky attitude really complimented what the band was at the time. A wild n crazy, not to be taken too seriously,Rock N Roll. Listen to songs like "Soul Stripper, Night Prowler, The Jack, Sin City, Jail Break, Whole Lotta Rosie, and stuff and you'll see what I mean. These are the AC/DC songs I really love.

With Brian, the band became more serious, more "poser" I guess. It seemed to me more like that dude you knew in highschool that was a nice guy, got good grades and had rich parents, but tried to be a bada**, wear raggy levi's and an AC/DC T-shirt while being captain of the chess club and driving that new beamer his parents got him for his 16th Bday. It almost seems like Brian was trying too hard to fill Bon's shoes or prove himself rather than having the AC/DC attitude and saying, "Screw it. Im gonna do whatever pops in my head at that second."

Just my opinion, and maybe Ill get some crap for it, but in traditional AC/DC fashon.."screw it" lol. ;)
# 8
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01/12/2010 2:30 am
I only own one Bon Scott vocaled album but I have heard quite a few songs. Back in Black was my first introduction to the band and, at that point I had no idea that they had just lost their singer.

Honestly, I never cared for Johnson's voice but I really like the sound of the band as a whole. I don't turn to rock and roll when I am looking to hear a pleasant voice anyway. But I can't think of anyone who would fit the band better without the re-animation of Bon.

I am going to get a couple of the older ones.

The Razors Edge and TNT are really pretty close actually but Ballbreaker seems to have more emphasis on the drum/bass and rhythm guitar.
# 9

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