Canadian music, eh?

Grizzled Spellchecker
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Grizzled Spellchecker
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07/12/2000 8:50 pm
Here's a subject to get Canadians angry and to inform all the Yankees on this site.

What do you guys think about the Canadian content thing the Canadian Radio and Television Commission has put on music? I think now they have set it so that 30% of the music played on the radio has to be "Canadian content", meaning that the major creative or production people have to have been at least born in Canada.

Do they play a lot of Canadian music in the States (e.g. Our Lady Peace, Moist, Rush, Tragically Hip, Steve Vai (just joking))?

What are your general impressions of the music made here in the Great White North, you hosers?

ok, i'm not really the eggman

[This message has been edited by iamthe_eggman (edited 07-12-2000).]
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]

# 1
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07/13/2000 5:58 am
All I know is that I get damn tired of listening to Neil Young, Tom Cochrane, OLP, that drunk blues guy, I can't remember his name David Wilcox, that's it! Bryan Adams, etc... it gets pretty torturous when you listen to the radio.
# 2
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07/13/2000 5:59 am
Oh man and the Tragically Hip as well! The AGONY!!!!!!!
# 3

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07/13/2000 7:56 pm
What's wrong with the Tragically Hip?
# 4
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07/16/2000 4:28 am
I think that the Hip are very mediocre, they are not bad, but when every second song on the radio is one of their songs, it turns a band that you don't mind into a band you can't stand after awhile. If that makes sense
# 5
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08/01/2000 12:19 am
I just have to say ALL Canadian music sux ****in' ass. bands like Kittie and our lady peace just ****in' prove my point
# 6
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08/07/2000 7:07 pm
hold your horses wannabe...not all canadian music sucks..seen our lady peace in vancouver opened for VH and they rocked the crowd..even eddie stated "they rock"...who are you to argue with eddie, unless you do not value his opinion...

now to address your foolish name calling escapade...

ever heard of a little canadian trio by the name of RUSH...ahh now your memory is jogged...put out alot more alums in the states than most of the american one hit wonders combined...(not knocking these bands, just trying to prove a point)...

how about another trio by the name of TRIUMPH...musically these bands had what it takes...soul, determination and lots of talent

there are so many others...HEART,GUESS WHO,BTO,HAYWIRE,APRIL WINE,ALANNIS MORRISETTE...i am sure i will miss a bunch...but you guys know who you are

i do not agree with the crtc ruling of listening to canadian music at a certain percentage to create canadian artists...i personally don't think we need a crutch to establish a hit song...makes the artist lazy
we should have to work as hard as the next guy to become the ultimate musician/ songwriter

i am canadian and i am proud of that fact...i love all music canadian, american, south american, african, indian ETC ETC ETC...

please don't insult my canadian intelligence with your americas better than all mentality...we are here to learn not to judge...

furthermore when your name is on the back of an album and you have sold more records than any of the acts i have mentioned, then and only then shall you be an authority on which music sux

take care and learn from what is stated above

[This message has been edited by ezshuffle (edited 08-07-2000).]

[This message has been edited by ezshuffle (edited 08-07-2000).]
# 7
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08/08/2000 10:47 am
Not all Canadian music sux! but i do admit Kittie does!
Anyhoo I Mother Earth has great guitar work and some cool lyrics and So does the Matthew Good Band.
Nickelback which seems to be in the magazines now isn't bad as well
# 8
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08/26/2002 10:13 pm
Even if they didn't have that law, a lot of Canadian music would still be played on the radios cuz so many Canadian bands get famous in the U.S. I hardly like any of them other than Nickelback and Default.
# 9
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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08/26/2002 11:42 pm
Originally posted by panterawannab
I just have to say ALL Canadian music sux ****in' ass. bands like Kittie and our lady peace just ****in' prove my point

Your crazy. Just cause one band sucks doesn't meen all Canadian music does.
Ever hear of a band called the Guess Who? The band that helped reverse the British Invasion, there is a band.
Plus I like dudes like Rush, The Crash Test Dummies, The Tea Party are good, and how about Sloan. I actually met Pat Pentland and Chris Murphy. Nice guys.

And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
# 10
Kirk Hammett worshiper
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09/01/2002 10:35 pm
I don't see how anyone can say Canadian music sucks, when not all Canadian music is the same. The only why you could judge it, is if you were actually judging Canada, or Canadians. And Canada is a very beautiful country, too. I went there when I was young once. Whoa, starting a flash back.
Rock and roll ain't noise pollution, but it can get pretty crappy these days.
# 11
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09/02/2002 2:04 am
Dude I'm sick of being called dumb by other countries... being an American and all that junk. But oh well, "cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it," right? I don't really think it matter where the band is from. No matter what country you go to there are going to be bands that suck, and band that are good. So why make a generalization... this isn't the army you know.

# 12
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09/03/2002 8:12 pm
anne and nancy Wilson are from the east side of Seattle not Canada thats all I have to sayas far as new Canadian Music It sucks just like new american music
# 13
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09/07/2002 3:38 pm
I am a massive fan of Rush's music, particularly between 76 and 84, they were all fabulous rock musicians.
I also like quite like Jeff Healey who plays in a very weird style with his guitar on his lap and his left hand playing over the top of the nec so he can use his thumb. It sounds to me like Jimmy Hendrix with fewer rough edges and more speed. Scary.
I'd also like to mention a band called Moxy fruvos who play pop music with very funny lyrics and unlike most pop musicians can play their instruments well.
If I couldn't laugh at myself how could I laugh at someone less ridiculous?
# 14
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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09/07/2002 4:13 pm
Jeff Healey plays like that cause he's blind. Its so cool how he can still play.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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# 15
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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09/07/2002 6:04 pm
I've always hated Rush's music . . .

And I didn't even know they were from Canada. Bad music is still bad music, no matter where it's from. :)

# 16
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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09/07/2002 6:06 pm
But not all Canadian music is bad, thats my point.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
# 17
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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09/07/2002 6:25 pm
Well, that's the other side of the coin to what I was saying.

Good music is also good music no matter where it's from. :D
# 18
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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09/07/2002 6:26 pm

And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
# 19
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09/08/2002 12:42 am

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