Been playing for a while for the last decade and a bit, through bands, churches and etc, and I have never considered myself as being even an intermediate player. :(
It's frustrating to see me going through same stuff all over again and again, and I am not even sure whether I am advancing or not anymore.
How would you define a great player? Sure, you can practise all the cool songs that we know and probaly repeat them before a group of 'less musical' people to impress, but is that all what you really want to be?
In my opinion the definition of a great player is whom has all the tricks under his/her sleeve, and he/she is always ready to apply them to suit. I mean, throw a simple progression at players at different levels - beginner players would probably play simple barre chords along, intermediates tries to jam with all they know & got, while advanced players stretch their brilliant musical minds to let the fluency go wild.
I am just at the stage being sick of being a 'poser' player. I wish to be better, and more fluent with guitar. I do enjoy practising the songs and play, but I really want have an at least understanding of why they are written that way, and how I can extend from them.
Don't get me wrong, I know music is all about enjoyment. This should not be a competition or anything, which would become a chore then... The reason I play the guitar.... i guess is for my own satisfaction and enjoyment.
Being a self tought, and a hobbyist can be quite frustrating... I know that most of you would say 'get a teacher' but. :D
Sorry for all the ranting and blah blah.... probably i need more sleep....
Have fun! :)