Hey fellas,
Just finished my attic studio (still not painted and I've got about 80 acoustic tiles to stick to the pitched ceilings) - floors are decoupled from the house - hanging from joist hangers above the pre-existing joists from RSJ steel beams. The room is prettty damn soundproof (no sound to downstairs when recording or mixing at pretty loud volumes), important given the wife and kids are usually sleeping below while I shred above .
Desk is home made along with the built in rack cabinets, got plans from the net and altered them to suit (its about 8ft wide which is pretty big).
Also threw in a few pics of my axes if you want to hit the arrow buttons to flick forward. Will post some pics of the completed room in a few weeks when I get a chance to paint it out etc.
PS that it with the lights on, I usually record and mix in the dark with screen light only - much better ambiance!
If anyone is interested in converting their attic space and wants some tips just let me know - I picked up a lot of tips and learnt through trial and error - could save you a lot of time and money!
Here it is on Google's Picasa:
Some pics of my new attic studio

# 1
Sweet Dave....
Looks like you've done a good job. I probably need to try a little harder, I'm not sure the neighbours appreciate my late night noise making efforts... he he
That Dean guitar is a new addition? very cool...
Looks like you've done a good job. I probably need to try a little harder, I'm not sure the neighbours appreciate my late night noise making efforts... he he
That Dean guitar is a new addition? very cool...
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com
# 2

Yeah that's a new addition - Dean MAB-1 the new Michael Angelo signature model (it's also signed by him on the back of the headstock - number 55 - not that that makes much of a difference but it didn't cost any extra so why not!). It's a sweet axe though, has the original Floyd Rose trem which I have to say is very impressive - even I dare say... better than the Lo-Pro. Maybe it's just the angle on the arm itself but it feels more comfortable. The EMG are nice too - they work well for certain parts especially wah work. The paint job on it is outstanding and the neck is unlike anything I've ever played, thicker in the center to allow for sweep picking as per MAB's design. Still prefer my Universe as an all rounder though;-)
# 3

Very nice, man.
Looks neat and comfortable.
The beer bottle adds a decorative accent. :D
Love the desk too.
What is the unit under the keyboard midi controller?
Looks neat and comfortable.
The beer bottle adds a decorative accent. :D
Love the desk too.
What is the unit under the keyboard midi controller?
# 4

Just below the keyboard are 2 rack units (2u each) - the top one is a Rocktron Prophecy II (I pretty much use that for everything now), and below that is an Eventide H3000D/SE Harmonizer (very nice piece of vintage gear). On the other side is a Mackie HUI daw controler on the desk and in the rack cabinet below that is a Palmer PDI-03 speaker simulator, Rocktron Super Hush-C, Mesa Boogie Triaxis and on the floor is the Mesa Simul-Class 2:90 poweramp (needs to be repaired).
Other bits and pieces include a Line6 TonePort on the desk (goes with the Gear Box Gold), a Sansamp BAss Driver DI, a Dunlop chromatic tuner and an E-Bow. Other stuff: Dunlop Crybaby, Radial DI and Radial x-amp (reamper).... and a Line6 DM4 - the gold unit on the floor on front of the Marshall 100 watt.
In the middle below the tft screen is a Behringer patch bay (very handy), a burnt out M-Audio Delta (only there to fill the rack space), an Echo Layla 3G (my current sound card) and a Samson Servo poweramp to drive the Tannoy Reveal studio monitors.
Not ideal but it a great escape hole! Oh yeah, the beer is the cheapest recession brew from the local supermarket (Lech - Polish lager), cheap and strong (5.5%) but very tasty;-)
The desk was pretty easy to make - just 3 sheets of plywood/MDF and a bunch of screws, it was either that or spend about a grand to get something close to it so I went with the €60 for materials option!
Other bits and pieces include a Line6 TonePort on the desk (goes with the Gear Box Gold), a Sansamp BAss Driver DI, a Dunlop chromatic tuner and an E-Bow. Other stuff: Dunlop Crybaby, Radial DI and Radial x-amp (reamper).... and a Line6 DM4 - the gold unit on the floor on front of the Marshall 100 watt.
In the middle below the tft screen is a Behringer patch bay (very handy), a burnt out M-Audio Delta (only there to fill the rack space), an Echo Layla 3G (my current sound card) and a Samson Servo poweramp to drive the Tannoy Reveal studio monitors.
Not ideal but it a great escape hole! Oh yeah, the beer is the cheapest recession brew from the local supermarket (Lech - Polish lager), cheap and strong (5.5%) but very tasty;-)
The desk was pretty easy to make - just 3 sheets of plywood/MDF and a bunch of screws, it was either that or spend about a grand to get something close to it so I went with the €60 for materials option!
# 5
# 6