My name is Elizabeth.
Well, I just got a guitar in June and I've been playing by ear for two months until I found guitar tricks. It's very great!
Anyways, I'm 14 going on 15 and I happen to be very little. Heck, I'm not even 5 feet yet!! So while I was doing the Beginner Level 1, I came across the e, a, and b chords. The problem is, I can't fully reach the B chord. Everything else, is just dandy. Maybe F is a little challenging, but I can reach alright. Anywho, if anyone has any suggestions or tips of whatever, please tell me!! I'm really looking forward to getting better and would like to get passed this bump in the road. haha.
Umm, I guess if I forget where this forum thing is, you could PM me (and I'll receive an email notification).
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"Criticism is a man with no legs teaching people how to run."