I thought that I would create a topic for sharing your best kudos or musical experiences. Perhaps this could be expanded to a whole portion of it's own on the forums?
Anyway...if it's something that just made your day, or even if it's just funny or ironic...or even if you've got a 'worst gig ever' story...lets hear it AND if you have pictures...post them puppies!
I'll start things off-
This story needs a bit of set-up first. About 20 years ago I was playing with a band called "One Night Stand" in a local dive. During the set I did a cover of a Missouri tune called "Movin' On". After the set some guy with short hair who worked at the bar came up and introduced himself to me as the bass player for Missouri (I don't recall his name...but it was him). He said that he had written that song and he proceeded to call me all kinds of 4-letter words and basically told me that it was HIS song and that I'd better never play it again. Needless to say it was the last time I played in that club because I did that song again the very next set...TWICE! lol
Anyway...so I was playing with my band "RiverGard" on Saturday March 15th of this year (2008) and during one of the sets I again did "Movin' On" by Missouri. After the set a waitress came up to me and handed me this napkin -

I immediately showed it to my band-mates and then asked the waitress who had given her this. She pointed to his table and I spent the rest of that break having a drink with Bill Larson and talking about the 'good old days'! Needless to say...I think that the car floated home that night!
OK...now time for YOUR stories and pictures! Post them up people!