Hahaha, great story.
This story's probably been told in some other thread at some point in time, but my band's first show went pretty well. It was a CD release party for a local band called Two Steps Back, and they were nice enough to let us open for everyone. We played our set, and everyone just kinda stood there nodding their heads, not really moving around or anything. We thought it was a failure until we realized that we just weren't the style of music everyone there was into. The other bands there were kinda that screamy new-punk-metal-whateveryoucallit stuff, and we were more of a regular rock band.
The other bands, we later found out, were actually moderately famous, at least in my area; Moments of Brilliance, Kincaide, Shotgun Rules. We'd heard some of their songs playing on the radio, we just didn't know it was them until after. They said they would have never guessed it was our first show if they hadn't known, and said they 'could tell we listened to a lot of classic rock,' which we thought were huge compliments. Some girls even asked us for our autographs. Later, this guy from another band asked us if we wanted to play with them the following month. So we said yes.
The second show had way less people, probably because the more famous-ish bands weren't there, it was all local stuff. It was sort of anticlimactic, but there were some cool parts. Everyone said we sounded a lot better. This one little kid came up to us and said he thought we were the best band there, which was pretty cool. We could see all the other bands' parents nodding their heads along to our songs, which I think may have been the single coolest thing ever. We heard from more than one of these band parents that we "sounded just like the Doors." Which of course we did not, but still.