this place sucks

u have to freaking pay to see FREE videos. retards. just because they cant get there kids nothing doesnt meen they can take are ****ing money
# 1
Whoa, calm down man.... :)
The free lessons can be found here. The full subscription opens up a whole load more lessons...
The free lessons are free... ;)
The free lessons can be found here. The full subscription opens up a whole load more lessons...
The free lessons are free... ;)
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]
# 2

Originally Posted by: kmaster_beu have to freaking pay to see FREE videos. retards. just because they cant get there kids nothing doesnt meen they can take are ****ing money
It would be "take OUR ***ing money". I would invest in an education before I wasted my time posting things on forums that I knew nothing about. It takes a lot of time and resources for these instructors to make these videos for everyone, and a lot goes into this website. It's not like they are getting rich off of us. Go see how much it would cost you to actually have a guitar teacher.
Oh, and by the way....the free video are free, as the name implies.
# 3

Ha... was it really worth it?
Besides just being wrong, I really doubt it was even worth posting. Unless you have some extreme issues with neediness.
Anyways, not that you should stick around but the not free lessons are more than worth the five bucks a month you pay for them. I have never had a teacher and probably never need one largely because of this site. In a year I spent as much money on this site as I would on a teacher in maybe two half an hour sessions and learned a hell-of-a-lot more.
Chill dude. It was already said but these sites are not cheap to maintain.
Besides just being wrong, I really doubt it was even worth posting. Unless you have some extreme issues with neediness.
Anyways, not that you should stick around but the not free lessons are more than worth the five bucks a month you pay for them. I have never had a teacher and probably never need one largely because of this site. In a year I spent as much money on this site as I would on a teacher in maybe two half an hour sessions and learned a hell-of-a-lot more.
Chill dude. It was already said but these sites are not cheap to maintain.
# 4

# 5
Originally Posted by: kmaster_beu have to freaking pay to see FREE videos. retards. just because they cant get there kids nothing doesnt meen they can take are ****ing money
Your complaint, aside from being totally baseless, is essentially indecipherable. The free videos are just that. Free. Relax, take a deep breath and take a look around the site. I think if you care to, you just may find some very solid and well thought out information available to you.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 6
I am not a freekin retard.....I'm Jolly The Christmas poo

so there....

so there....
# 7

no, I completely see where this guy is coming from. yesterday I was at mcdonald's and using their free internet. then when I wanted some free chicken nuggets and a quarter pounder with cheese, those jerks wouldn't give them to me. I mean, I was doing them a favor by using their free service so why the hell should I have to pay if I want food?
I'm totally behind you on this, man. 100%.
I'm totally behind you on this, man. 100%.
# 8
Originally Posted by: turkeyjerky214no, I completely see where this guy is coming from. yesterday I was at mcdonald's and using their free internet. then when I wanted some free chicken nuggets and a quarter pounder with cheese, those jerks wouldn't give them to me. I mean, I was doing them a favor by using their free service so why the hell should I have to pay if I want food?
I'm totally behind you on this, man. 100%.
ROFLMAO!! Where's that sarcasm emoticon when we need it? :D
# 9

Originally Posted by: kmaster_beu have to freaking pay to see FREE videos. retards. just because they cant get there kids nothing doesnt meen they can take are ****ing money
Way to make a first impression dude...
# 10
Originally Posted by: hunter1801It would be "take OUR ***ing money". I would invest in an education before I wasted my time posting things on forums that I knew nothing about. It takes a lot of time and resources for these instructors to make these videos for everyone, and a lot goes into this website. It's not like they are getting rich off of us. Go see how much it would cost you to actually have a guitar teacher.
Oh, and by the way....the free video are free, as the name implies.
jeez... I think of all those years spending money out of my own pocket to post videos here... buying a video camera, audio software and a microphone.
Then spending years posting lessons on my own time, tabbing them out and writing explanations. Now I just spent over 10 grand on a new computer so I could upgrade them to widescreen high quality.
I've spent more money to be able to post on this site than I could make back in years and then doofus's like kmaster-be shoots his mouth off about a measly $10 a month for lessons.
Like, go pay for a teacher if that's how ya feel. It'll cost you $25 for a half hour and you'll only get one lesson per week.
Or try going anywhere else on the net and see if you can get the same sort of deal.
# 11

Originally Posted by: kmaster_beu have to freaking pay to see FREE videos. retards. just because they cant get there kids nothing doesnt meen they can take are ****ing money
Another success story for the public school system.
# 12
i now generally hate u
I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes.
-- Jimi Hendrix
-- Jimi Hendrix
# 13
Although posters like the one at the top of the thread are ultimately amusing for their f***wit intellect, isn't it scary to think that people like that are actually walking the streets? Who knows how close we may come to someone like that in our everyday lives? :eek:
# 14
Scary thought for the day:
If that guy has average intelligence, then he's smarter than half of the population! :eek:
If that guy has average intelligence, then he's smarter than half of the population! :eek:
# 15

Originally Posted by: LordathestringsScary thought for the day:
If that guy has average intelligence, then he's smarter than half of the population! :eek:

Strat totin
Six string slingin
Son of a gun
I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.
strat-man rocks with vox
Six string slingin
Son of a gun
I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.
strat-man rocks with vox
# 16