I voted for Superhuman.
First of all I'd like to say that everyone's solo for September were great. I was able to easily sit through all of them in one go and hear the individual styles separately. Anything I say is really just an opinion and/or a suggestion.. I'm not a guitar guru or an expert as you can plainly see from my previous posts around the forums.. but it was my understanding that the main point of these solo assignments was to learn something and share ideas and construction criticism.. anyway..
Equator:Nice sweep picking at the start there and technically it was good however you didn't go anywhere with it.. it didn't appear to flow through to the middle section. The mid section has all the right notes (ie. none of them are "wrong" notes which sound bad) but I'm not really hearing a consistent melody or theme to the piece.. I mean, it's like one long jam with no real structure to it.. If that's what you were trying to achieve then that's just great but I felt it was lacking that structure or melody.
dethm3tal:At the start you appear to be trying to some kind of melody with a response to that melody. Like one person plays a lick, then the other person plays the response lick.. as if the two instruments are having a conversation. At least that was my impression.. however it didn't seem to work.. and just ended up being a monologue rather than a dialogue, keeping with that same analogy. After that first bit though things really pick up and I can hear the phrasing and adequate structure you put into the track. I can hear a lot of different techniques being used there and they are all clear and accurate but it sounds like they are just slapped together one after the other with no real plan. From a technical point of view it's a great track but musically it is missing the contiguity (if that's even a word) of all the parts.. "...when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".
BCNick:I love the tone you have with just the right amount of gain and chorus.. it really does compliment the backing track very nicely. Your solo has feeling of relaxing on a Saturday afternoon drinking beer... It's not too overdone or underdone in its entirety.. However there were a few odd notes in here and there.. whilst you are quick to resolve those strange notes, they are noticeable and that's the main thing that throws me, as a listener.
From a musical point of view it feels like you are changing the dominant and/or destination note in the wrong place.. don't ask me where the right place is.. I'm just trying to explain the feeling it gives me. Other than those 3 or 4 "odd" moments, the track is highly enjoyable to listen to.
Superhuman:Very nice.. I've already commented on how much I liked you track when you first posted the final mix a week ago but I'll just throw some additional comments in here too. Great consistency throughout, great transition from intro to verse/chorus and then again to outro, great structure.. special mention goes to the transition to the sweep picking section at around 0:55.. however there's a couple of bits I listen to and think.. "hrmm.. that's really nice but it's lacking something." and I can't work out quite what it is.
Like that bit between 1:56 and 2:01 I mentioned in my previous post. And the bit between 1:10 and 1:26... I think you are trying to slow it down a bit so that it's a bit more emotional.. I think it could work but there's no rests in there.. I think if you added some rests.. to allow the guitar to "take a breath" or the listener to digest the shorter pieces of music more readily.. When a guitar plays a solo, it's like it has now become the lead/singer rather than the accompanying instrument. Have you ever tried to sing more than a few seconds without taking a breath for a 2 hour gig?.. Once the guitar becomes the lead instrument it needs to act like it.. I hope you know what I mean.. lol.. I am starting to get confused.. lol..
seazer:Your solo is very energetic without being overly fast and for the most part is enjoyable to listen to. You seemed to stay in the same scale progression over and over again.. so even though you added lots of flourishes to it.. it still sounded like the same scale progression over and over again. The tone was great except for that odd sounding change at around 0:31.. The tone works just as well but the change to it needs something to help with the transition... with the change between 1:05 and 1:07, it's like I was saying with Superhuman's comment.. you've allowed your guitar to take a breath for the next section. The 0.5 second pause of silence at the 0:31 mark just doesn't sound as polished as it could have been.
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