Originally Posted by: SuperhumanI voted for light487 (not becuase he voted for me!)
In my opinion, everyone did a good job based on their levels of experience. My second choice was Equator with BarChordNick running very close too.
I chose Light's because of the overall structure of the solo. Nice flow from start to finish, a couple of parts were a bit off but overall there was a definite theme with a beginning middle and end. Tone and recording quality were my only real gripes but they come down to gear and personal taste anyway. Nicely done Luke!
Thanks for the feedback and the vote.. your $50.00 cheque will be in the post shortly.. lol.. but seriously.. Which bits did you find odd? I'd like to know so I can analyse it.. also what was it about the tone you felt was a poor choice for this track, taking into account the style I was trying to produce..
I always have such a battle with tone.. I know a lot of it comes from your own hands rather than effects and all that.. but yeh.. if there's something I can do that I am not doing, I would like to know so I can fix it.
For that track I had:
Jordan Stratocaster-copy with EMG active single-coil pickups, playing mainly on the bridge pickup. My pickup system also has an EMG guitar expander and presence control (at least I think that's what they do.. lol). So I have that plugged directly into my PC via a StealthPlug. The sequencer I am using came with the StealthPlug, it is called Tracktion. I used two plugins on the guitar track.. the first was Amplitube 2.0 running a modified preset.. basically I added delay.. The other plugin is a basic chorus but I think the chorus did the opposite of what I wanted.. it actually made the sound thinner.. anyway.. that's what I had setup..
I also change the backing track subtly.. I played with some panning and volume automation as well as creating an extra track of the last part (where I start the tapping again) to add a strange sort of duality to the backing track.. so that could have affected my guitar tone as well..