Rock & Roll will never die.
need ideas for a band name BADLY!!!

Hey me and my band have been desperatly trying to come with a band name. but when one of comes up with something another one dosent like it. the 3 main failed band names are....Pitch Black, Over Tuned, and Magik. we are an AC/DC Ozzy Metal kind of band (we like to play loud :rolleyes: ) im good at playing strong riffs on guitar our drummer can play a fast beat if needed. right now we have 1 guitar a drummer and a singer(obviously) so if you guys can think of any band name or a name of a band you were in and no longer exisists ;) pleeeeese reply and let me know. PLEESE!!! REPLY!!!! :D
# 1

Try "Open Bass Player Audition"
You'll have to change it once you get a complete band :D
In all seriousness, YOU (meaning the band) have to name yourselves. Any attempt to get outside help will only complicate matter IMHO.
Good Luck
You'll have to change it once you get a complete band :D
In all seriousness, YOU (meaning the band) have to name yourselves. Any attempt to get outside help will only complicate matter IMHO.
Good Luck
# 2
# 3

# 4

Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 5
Nocturnal Emission? :confused:
"Gypsy flies from coast to coast, knowing many loving none." -Allmans
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# 6

Originally Posted by: da_ardvarkTry "Open Bass Player Audition"
You'll have to change it once you get a complete band :D
In all seriousness, YOU (meaning the band) have to name yourselves. Any attempt to get outside help will only complicate matter IMHO.
Good Luck
Agreed. You can't get other people to name your band for you. It has to fit you. Now if you come back with ideas then we can put some input in on what sounds good and what doesn't. First thing first though, get a bassist and then worry about a band name. You don't need a band name right away. Let it come to you with time.
# 7
# 8

'Aural Sex' :D - always thought that would be a hillarious band name!
Or you could make it slightly cryptic... 'Aural VI'
Or you could make it slightly cryptic... 'Aural VI'
# 9

Since I'm guessing that you're about my age, you want something thats offensive but you can still get away with it. Like, Phish Tahko :D
Maybe you could be a little like Godsmack and be Christ Puncher?
Maybe you could be a little like Godsmack and be Christ Puncher?
# 10
I kinda like the name "Badly"
# 11

My uncle thought a good name for a band would be "The Beatless," but it turns out that's been done.
Man, though. Band names are easy. How anyone can be out of ideas for them is beyond me. I have a notebook with about 200 ideas we discarded when we settled on "The Greasy Knots." I'd give you some, but a lot of them are inside jokes and/or still potentially usable for future musical endeavours of mine. So...sorry.
Man, though. Band names are easy. How anyone can be out of ideas for them is beyond me. I have a notebook with about 200 ideas we discarded when we settled on "The Greasy Knots." I'd give you some, but a lot of them are inside jokes and/or still potentially usable for future musical endeavours of mine. So...sorry.
# 12

I agree with Earthman. If your really can't come up with a name you are probably looking in the wrong place. Like here for instance.
Just look around you, there are band names everywhere, but it has to come from your life or it won't mean anything it will just be some "badass" name someone you don't know ( and more importantly doesn't know you) gave you.
That being said...
"Harmonsterca" I just saw a harmonica so... probably a better song name but you get the point. Look around you, get together with your band and think about experiences you all share and pull something clever out of them. You know, be creative.
Just look around you, there are band names everywhere, but it has to come from your life or it won't mean anything it will just be some "badass" name someone you don't know ( and more importantly doesn't know you) gave you.
That being said...
"Harmonsterca" I just saw a harmonica so... probably a better song name but you get the point. Look around you, get together with your band and think about experiences you all share and pull something clever out of them. You know, be creative.
# 13

If you really cant come up with anything, .. how bout "Uncle Archiebunkles Outhouse Jambouree" Band? Everyones sure to remember that.
# 14

# 15

I'm gonna go ahead and agree; you need to come up with your band name on your own. That being said, your band doesn't need to have a name that's cool or funny on its own. It just needs a name that doesn't sound so unbearably stupid that people will dismiss you based on your name. Yes, this does unfortunately eliminate hairy spandex, but it opens up an enormous number of names to consider.
Tons of famous bands prove this, with names like AC/DC, The Eagles, Parliament, The Rolling Stones, The White Stripes, and Yes. AC/DC doesn't mean anything, they supposedly got it off a sewing machine. The Eagles... how hard is it to pick an animal? (The Platypi, perhaps?) These are all quite straightforward names, lifted from innocuous places, and chosen because they don't sound bad, not because they necessarily get people immediately interested.
There's no reason you can't just open a dictionary or thesaurus, grab a few words, and slop 'em together. Or make your band name Mad-Lib style, with each band member putting in a noun/adjective/verb/adverb. Hell, you could even lift your name off the random websites, posters, advertisements songs you like...etc...
other possibilities:
(Steal government acronyms and NEVER tell anyone what they stand for) FTC, FAA, SEC, CDC...etc...
Lift awkward passages from olde english poetry that don't make sense, or even from (more) modern works, so long as they work (or don't) suitably out of context.
Tons of famous bands prove this, with names like AC/DC, The Eagles, Parliament, The Rolling Stones, The White Stripes, and Yes. AC/DC doesn't mean anything, they supposedly got it off a sewing machine. The Eagles... how hard is it to pick an animal? (The Platypi, perhaps?) These are all quite straightforward names, lifted from innocuous places, and chosen because they don't sound bad, not because they necessarily get people immediately interested.
There's no reason you can't just open a dictionary or thesaurus, grab a few words, and slop 'em together. Or make your band name Mad-Lib style, with each band member putting in a noun/adjective/verb/adverb. Hell, you could even lift your name off the random websites, posters, advertisements songs you like...etc...
other possibilities:
(Steal government acronyms and NEVER tell anyone what they stand for) FTC, FAA, SEC, CDC...etc...
Lift awkward passages from olde english poetry that don't make sense, or even from (more) modern works, so long as they work (or don't) suitably out of context.
# 16