Tons of famous bands prove this, with names like AC/DC, The Eagles, Parliament, The Rolling Stones, The White Stripes, and Yes. AC/DC doesn't mean anything, they supposedly got it off a sewing machine. The Eagles... how hard is it to pick an animal? (The Platypi, perhaps?) These are all quite straightforward names, lifted from innocuous places, and chosen because they don't sound bad, not because they necessarily get people immediately interested.
There's no reason you can't just open a dictionary or thesaurus, grab a few words, and slop 'em together. Or make your band name Mad-Lib style, with each band member putting in a noun/adjective/verb/adverb. Hell, you could even lift your name off the random websites, posters, advertisements songs you like...etc...
other possibilities:
(Steal government acronyms and NEVER tell anyone what they stand for) FTC, FAA, SEC, CDC...etc...
Lift awkward passages from olde english poetry that don't make sense, or even from (more) modern works, so long as they work (or don't) suitably out of context.