So we chatted back and forth for a while. Sounds like his style is similar to mine, so we were planning a jam. I run the idea by my parents, and of course they're skeptical, like any parents are. I'm talking to my sister, and shes feeding me the stupid crap about "what if hes a murderer?" and such.
So this all pissed me off a bit and really just made me wanna go just to spite their stupid paranoid thoughts. I mean, what are the odds of getting murdered by someone you meet online? I've checked this dude out , and it would seem hes legit.
So, what do you guys think? My personal take is, are you really gonna pass up opportunities due to the .000000001 whatever percent chance that this guy is a whack job and wants to kill you? Have any of you jammed with people you've met online before?
Just silly stuff. Maybe I'm being naive. But thats not how see it. I mean, shnikes, I'll be 20 next week, and they're still being this protective? Let me off the friggin breast already.
Sorry for the rant. Many would call me naive, but I don't think thats the case. Its a chance I'd be willing to take, because theres such a small probability that I wouldn't come back from that place. Especially with a cell phone on me and address to the guys home.
Hopefully I can find a friend who wants to take the ride sometime, or get the guy over to my town to jam.
Let your soul shine. Its better than sunshine. Its better than moonshine. Damn sure better than rain.