1. Do You know what Attention Deficiet Dissorder (ADD) is?
2. Were you or someone you know ever been diagnosed with having ADD? If so, what was your/their initial reaction?
3. Do you think ADD should be considered a disorder?
4. Do you think people who are diagnosed with ADD are socially different from the "norm."
5. Do you think people who are diagnosed with ADD should take their medications?, reguardless of the harmful internal side effects ( doctors tend to over-perscribe the dosage, forcing the escess of the drug directly through the liver.)
6. Do you think children diagnosed with ADD should be "forced" to learn (use of ritalin) topics in school due to their "dissorder?"
7. Do you think the inability to pay attention or gain interest in class is the teacher's fault or the dissorder's fault?
8. Hypothetically speaking, if you had a child who recently started school and was diagnosed with ADD, what do you think your reaction be?
Thanks and rep to anyone who gives their input. Feel free to explain your answers, but as I said, please don't debate anything in this thread.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"