1. Yes
2. My daughter was diagnosed with inattentive ADD. I wasn't surprised at really. Her grades in school were slipping. She would lose interst in things really fast.
3. Not sure to tell the truth.
4. No, my daughter acted normal to everyone she met. In a social environment you would not know the difference in her. Just when it came to learning she was falling behind. She is 8 by the way.
5. Yes and no. While I have seen a tremendous difference in my daughter. I feel as though I am doping her up every morning just so she can make it through school. By the way, she takes Focalin.
6. No. There are other ways to accomplish this I think. It's not just a matter of the child having to adapt but the parents as well. They need to take an active roll in helping the child get through any issues they may be having.
7. A little of both. In my daughter's 1st grade I thought it was the teacher. Because I would go to class and sit in the back of the room, go on field trips with them etc. I noticed the teacher didn't really engage the student much at all. I chalked this up to a bad teacher. In 2nd grade she had one of the highest rated teachers in the county. When the teacher suggested there may be a problem is when I started having my daughter tested.
8. In my case, my daughter is a little young and may not realize really what is going on. Although she does know why she takes the medicine etc. And that it helps her concentrate more at school. The medicine she takes does not make her hyper or zone her out. If anything she is more outgoing now and social around other people and does not tend to be as shy as she once was. Maybe this medicine has helped with her self confidence?!?! I am not sure but for the time being it is working. Although I am concerned about long term effects.