Name your band

does anybody have any bands in here, or just tell me some real cool made-up bands that you like, because i have a band but we cant decide on the name.
# 1

Alright, here are some, but I hope you don't steal them. Just think of it, you're on MTV and the host asks you how you got your band name, and you'll have to say "Someone on the internet suggested it, so we took it".
Some of these are mine, and some are my bandmate's:
Sound & Fury, Xepox Corp., The Ultimate Pants, The Bingo Boys (that seems to already have been taken).
Here are some that I don't really like, and you can have if you want:
Sonic Reactor, Eclectic Electric, Eclectic Guitar, The Beatles.
Sorry if I came across a little protective in the first paragraph, it's just that the first set of band names are like my babies.
Some of these are mine, and some are my bandmate's:
Sound & Fury, Xepox Corp., The Ultimate Pants, The Bingo Boys (that seems to already have been taken).
Here are some that I don't really like, and you can have if you want:
Sonic Reactor, Eclectic Electric, Eclectic Guitar, The Beatles.
Sorry if I came across a little protective in the first paragraph, it's just that the first set of band names are like my babies.
excuse me, but i must kiss the sky
# 2
My band is The Bocce Wagon.
I have some pretty decent band name ideas, but I'm not sharing, good luck though. I suggest carrying a pen and paper around, 'cause these sort of things will just pop into your heard without warning and are easily forgotten.
I have some pretty decent band name ideas, but I'm not sharing, good luck though. I suggest carrying a pen and paper around, 'cause these sort of things will just pop into your heard without warning and are easily forgotten.
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I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 3

Some names i've thought of, but since i dont have a band why not let someone else put them to good use:
"Racing hearts, bleeding ears", "soap on a rope", "hamaar" that's tricky cos you have to pronouce it right it's supposed to mean red in arabic (but i'm not really certain), "a man in beige", "Mouselini ate my canary", and they kind of get sillier from here
My favourite, it's imposible to write down, but basically you stick your tongue out of your mouth, and make a farting noise... heheheh... i'd love too see people try to spell it
there are also a lot of bands who get their names from film (eg black sabath, they might be giants etc...) or from song names (eg radio head), so you dont really have to make one up
"Racing hearts, bleeding ears", "soap on a rope", "hamaar" that's tricky cos you have to pronouce it right it's supposed to mean red in arabic (but i'm not really certain), "a man in beige", "Mouselini ate my canary", and they kind of get sillier from here
My favourite, it's imposible to write down, but basically you stick your tongue out of your mouth, and make a farting noise... heheheh... i'd love too see people try to spell it
there are also a lot of bands who get their names from film (eg black sabath, they might be giants etc...) or from song names (eg radio head), so you dont really have to make one up
# 4

Our band is called Lydian, after the mode.
We weree called Blackwell for a bit, but now we aren't.
Try names from Nordic Mythology such as Fenris or Midgard. They're usually pretty cool
We weree called Blackwell for a bit, but now we aren't.
Try names from Nordic Mythology such as Fenris or Midgard. They're usually pretty cool
Work hard...Play hard...Break a string...:mad:
Actions speak louder than words...
And my actions speak louder than yours :D
Actions speak louder than words...
And my actions speak louder than yours :D
# 5

I'm not in a band currently but previous band names were Crystal Vase (we were only 12 years old at the time!) and Cyan. The naughtiest name I ever came across (and the moderator might block it) was Betty Swallocks and The Cunning Stunts. Am I allowed to say that on the Internet?
# 6

# 7

I like bleeding ears if your not going to use it i want it cause we havent really decided on a name
# 8

When choosing a band title, I've always found that it's important to come up with something that represents your personality, or your high hopes for the future. The last band I was in, the guys I was involved with weren't very much into the project as I was, but at the time I was willing to take what ever I could get. They came up with some really weord titles like Earwax Central, and Mimic Rodneyface. Crap like that, crap that I wouldn't put my name on with a ten foot pole. So basically, trying to stay very opytimistic, being stuck in a bum deal, I chose the name "Bliss." It was kind of a way for me to look on the bright side of things, and to show the guys that I had a lot of faith in them.
Toward the end, I recruited this great female singer, she was amazing and helped the other guys gain confidence in their abilities. However, once she left for college, everyone else in the band just started goofing off again, and at that point I had enough.
Perhaps I should have went with Earwax Central, or Mimic Rodneyface, I mean it can't be any worse than some of the bands in the mainstream today. :rolleyes:
Toward the end, I recruited this great female singer, she was amazing and helped the other guys gain confidence in their abilities. However, once she left for college, everyone else in the band just started goofing off again, and at that point I had enough.
Perhaps I should have went with Earwax Central, or Mimic Rodneyface, I mean it can't be any worse than some of the bands in the mainstream today. :rolleyes:
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 9

AntiPrep01: yep, you may have the name... but really the name is "racing hearts, bleeding ears", and it's a famous quote (i dont know who said it... pathetic eh?)...
Isn't a Lucid dream where you dream, but are totally concience through out(that's the best i can describe it)? isn't it one of these things where few poeple can do?
[Edited by educatedfilm on 10-04-2001 at 11:03 AM]
Isn't a Lucid dream where you dream, but are totally concience through out(that's the best i can describe it)? isn't it one of these things where few poeple can do?
[Edited by educatedfilm on 10-04-2001 at 11:03 AM]
# 10
Has anyone heard of the band "String Cheese Incident"?
I've never heard any of their songs and I have no idea what style they play, but that's a hilarious name.
I've never heard any of their songs and I have no idea what style they play, but that's a hilarious name.
# 11

thanks guys that really helped me out a lot!!!
But still tell me some more things if you can.
But still tell me some more things if you can.
# 12
More possible band names -
Orge Foot
Sonic Dorks
Peanut Butter Flow
Unholy Sacrifice (sounds too 80's maybe)
Mourn the Passing
Object Fantasm
These are just coming off the top of my head, so that's why they might sound ridiculous.
Another thing you can do is just open up a dictionary to a random page, close your eyes, and land your finger somewhere on the page. Whatever happens to be under your finger is your band name.
Obviously this may take a few tries to find one that you like . . .
Orge Foot
Sonic Dorks
Peanut Butter Flow
Unholy Sacrifice (sounds too 80's maybe)
Mourn the Passing
Object Fantasm
These are just coming off the top of my head, so that's why they might sound ridiculous.
Another thing you can do is just open up a dictionary to a random page, close your eyes, and land your finger somewhere on the page. Whatever happens to be under your finger is your band name.
Obviously this may take a few tries to find one that you like . . .
# 13
I was once jamming with a guy who suggested we call our band "Sweat-sack". I don't think I'd feel like putting my name on something like that, so I know where you're coming from.
# 14

well how about Snacktruck?(my user name) that was named after one of my retarded friends (he was really retarded, and the story is that eachtime a ice cream truck would come by he would scream SNACKTRUCK!!!!! really loud because he was fat, and it would make us all lauph. it still makes me lauph when i think about it. but it is still hard to make up a name.
# 15

hmmm... we had a biologoy teacher (who was also a psychology teacher, but i never did psychology as a proper subject)... he said something about dreaming in colour, which is something i experience but had never payed any attention to before... i though everyone was the same as me, but the other thing that i noticed was my dreams are really pesimistic, eg i'd be flying really high, having the time of my life, when i think "oh... i'm pretty high up, lets just hope i dont lose my powers", i just drop, and it's extremely realistic... i really hate it when that happens... to be honest i dont believe too much in freudian psychology... why the hell am i talking about this in a guitar forum?!!
# 16

You could name yourselves 'Osama and the Bin Ladens' but I don't think your band would last too long. ;)
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 17

Originally posted by Christoph
I was once jamming with a guy who suggested we call our band "Sweat-sack". I don't think I'd feel like putting my name on something like that, so I know where you're coming from.
I've always felt that a name you choose for your band is very important, and it's something that should represent how everyone involved feels, or at least something thAt represents their attitude. Then again, judging by the embarrassing names that continiously climb the charts, I guess most people feel differently. :rolleyes:
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 18

The first band I was in ( we still called 'em "groups" then) was 1965 - I was still in school and we were called "Sixth Sense" but people said "Why do you call it that when there's only 5 of you?".
So we changed it to "Concrete Landladies" because we all came from Blackpool, a holiday town by the sea renowned for it's unlovely hotel owners.
The last band I was in was 3 yrs ago, was called "Sniffa the Fish" which is a rude joke inspired by my Geordie boss.
So we changed it to "Concrete Landladies" because we all came from Blackpool, a holiday town by the sea renowned for it's unlovely hotel owners.
The last band I was in was 3 yrs ago, was called "Sniffa the Fish" which is a rude joke inspired by my Geordie boss.
;) Reelin' in the years...
# 19
Originally posted by Joseph
Then again, judging by the embarrassing names that continiously climb the charts, I guess most people feel differently.
Yeah, like "Puddle of Mud".
# 20