- you take a girl to the movies and as you sit down, your ankles crack like an old man
- a teenage girl calls you 'Sir' for the first time
- you check out the reflection in a window to see if girls are looking at you... and none of them are
- a girl says you remind them of their uncle
- you make a pass at a girl and she says 'oh... I thought you were married or something'
- you pass some girls at the mall, and turn around to see if they're checking out your ass, and none of em even noticed.
- you're older than Homer Simpson
- you mention Johnny Carson and she says "Who?"
- that old lady at the checkout counter is your first girlfriend
- you actually tell somebody to turn the music down
- you're alone with a teenage girl and think you're getting somewhere, only to realize she's being nice to her elders
- you get a sunburn on your bald spot
- 40 year old women are making passes at you
- you grunt when you stand up
- you drive in the slow lane to save gas
- you fall asleep in the middle of the day
- you're actually treated with respect by car salespeople
- your best friend is an old fat bald guy... just like you
You Know You're Getting Old When...
# 1
dude, even my beard is going grey !
I must admit, after all my bloody hair fell out, I didn't think going grey was something Id have to worry about !
At least my Marshall still goes up to 11
I must admit, after all my bloody hair fell out, I didn't think going grey was something Id have to worry about !
At least my Marshall still goes up to 11
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2
... some of the guitars you bought new were made before your bandmates were born...
# 3
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings... some of the guitars you bought new were made before your bandmates were born...
ouch.... :(
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 4

. . . You talk about doing some grass and you mean mowing the lawn.
. . . You have a party and your neighbours don't notice.
I hate aging. I've been freaked out about it since I was 12. Every year is a year closer to death! Maybe I need help.
. . . You have a party and your neighbours don't notice.
I hate aging. I've been freaked out about it since I was 12. Every year is a year closer to death! Maybe I need help.
# 5
you still use the words, album, record(for you really young ones that's pronounced like "police record"), tape, b-side, wax, help me out lats,,,,vinyl?? (spell check says it's good :rolleyes: )..
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 6
- you accidentally say "I'm gonna go do a letter on the typewriter"
- you realize you haven't gotten a hard on in over a week
- you stand at the toilet for 10 minutes trying to pee
- you get up 5 times a night to take a leak
- you realize George Clooney is younger than you
- you go to Kentucky Fried Chicken for the first time in 10 years... order the three piece dinner and they don't know what you're talking about
"you know... the one that comes with the little piece of bread!!!"
- McDonalds hamburgers are smaller, have less meat and hardly any special sauce like they used to
- you go looking for a two dollar bill in your wallet
- you actually call an 18 girl a 'kid'.
- you get your haircut and tell the girl to trim it just below the ears... until you realize your hair hasn't been below the ears in 10 years
- you think a teenage girl is flirting with you until you realize she works in a store and she's just doing her job
- you go to the gas station and ask for 'unleaded' by accident
- you realize you haven't gotten a hard on in over a week
- you stand at the toilet for 10 minutes trying to pee
- you get up 5 times a night to take a leak
- you realize George Clooney is younger than you
- you go to Kentucky Fried Chicken for the first time in 10 years... order the three piece dinner and they don't know what you're talking about
"you know... the one that comes with the little piece of bread!!!"
- McDonalds hamburgers are smaller, have less meat and hardly any special sauce like they used to
- you go looking for a two dollar bill in your wallet
- you actually call an 18 girl a 'kid'.
- you get your haircut and tell the girl to trim it just below the ears... until you realize your hair hasn't been below the ears in 10 years
- you think a teenage girl is flirting with you until you realize she works in a store and she's just doing her job
- you go to the gas station and ask for 'unleaded' by accident
# 7

Haha. This is great.
Besides finding a grey hair on my head when i was 15, i really can't relate...yet. :D
Besides finding a grey hair on my head when i was 15, i really can't relate...yet. :D
For life is quite absurd and death's the final word, You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
# 8
I'm getting there. I have one or two of these symptoms. After a few more decades I'm sure I'll be adding to the list.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā - Magicninja
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā - Magicninja
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 9
- a teenage girl calls you 'Sir' for the first time
- you actually tell somebody to turn the music down
already got those two, that's on one hand a compliment since a lot of girls say 'Hi Sir' to me for no obvious reason when I pass them, but on the other hand makes me feel old since flirting doesn't usually start with a 'Hi Sir'
I even had one girl where I had some laughs with and made a little bit fun of, telling me to go do that with girls my own age, allthough it wasn't meant insulting, still...ouch...
- you actually tell somebody to turn the music down
already got those two, that's on one hand a compliment since a lot of girls say 'Hi Sir' to me for no obvious reason when I pass them, but on the other hand makes me feel old since flirting doesn't usually start with a 'Hi Sir'
I even had one girl where I had some laughs with and made a little bit fun of, telling me to go do that with girls my own age, allthough it wasn't meant insulting, still...ouch...
= good music is good drinking =
# 10
- the heavy leather belt that you bought at age 18 and wore for the next 30 years is now 6" too short.
- the top-of-the-line motorcycle that you've had since you bought it new is now an antique.
- you have trouble setting up your turntable, but can't get help 'cause anyone you ask, thinks that an anti-skating control is some kind of municipal bylaw.
- milk crates don't fit your albums anymore.
- no one knows what you mean if you say that someone sounds like a broken record.
- you get 'sticker shock' from the prices on everything because you can remember when candy bars went up to 5 cents.
- you realise that if you had kids, they'd probably be older than the girl at the bar who is inspiring some truly epic fantasies in your fevered imagination.
- you don't pee standing up anymore 'cause you know you're going to have sit down anyway.
- the best underground music you can find sounds very much like bands that were getting radio airplay when you were in highschool.
- the top-of-the-line motorcycle that you've had since you bought it new is now an antique.
- you have trouble setting up your turntable, but can't get help 'cause anyone you ask, thinks that an anti-skating control is some kind of municipal bylaw.
- milk crates don't fit your albums anymore.
- no one knows what you mean if you say that someone sounds like a broken record.
- you get 'sticker shock' from the prices on everything because you can remember when candy bars went up to 5 cents.
- you realise that if you had kids, they'd probably be older than the girl at the bar who is inspiring some truly epic fantasies in your fevered imagination.
- you don't pee standing up anymore 'cause you know you're going to have sit down anyway.
- the best underground music you can find sounds very much like bands that were getting radio airplay when you were in highschool.
# 11

Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings- you don't pee standing up anymore 'cause you know you're going to have sit down anyway.
Hahaha! That's my favourite one yet!
# 12

Your hands shiwer so much that you are scared to take a piss cause it might result in... ;)
# 13
you have something made of Naugahyde
you remember when there was only 3 channels on t.v.
you are at bar talking about music and no one knows the "gods of rock" you mention...and you don't know theirs
you think of Farrah Fawcett, Rachel Welch, Brigette Bardot and Ann Margret as babes
"party" is a word you have not used in years
you remember when there was only 3 channels on t.v.
you are at bar talking about music and no one knows the "gods of rock" you mention...and you don't know theirs
you think of Farrah Fawcett, Rachel Welch, Brigette Bardot and Ann Margret as babes
"party" is a word you have not used in years
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 14

- you repeat yourself all the time
- you say "kids these days!" a lot
- you tell people "when I was your age . . ."
- you repeat yourself all the time
- you say "kids these days!" a lot
- you tell people "when I was your age . . ."
- you repeat yourself all the time
# 15
Originally Posted by: Mark Pav- you repeat yourself all the time
- you say "kids these days!" a lot
- you tell people "when I was your age . . ."
- you repeat yourself all the time
could you repeat that.... ;)
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 16
hmm... and short-term memory gets...
# 17