Apparently it's been Schmange Day for 22 minutes already, and I haven't celebrated once. I'll have to make up for it in the next 23 hours and 38 minutes.
Happy S Day, all.
Schmelknge day

# 1

Happy Schmange Day! That said, it's already been Schmange day for sixteen and a half hours down here. :D
"It's all folk music... I ain't never heard no horse sing!"
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong
If at first you don't succeed, you are obviously not Chuck Norris.
l337iZmz r@wk o.K!!!??>
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong
If at first you don't succeed, you are obviously not Chuck Norris.
l337iZmz r@wk o.K!!!??>
# 2
yes yes yes!!! happy schmange day everyone! ive already started the and whatnot...well actually just beer... but yeah u get the idea...wootness
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 3
4:30 a.m. and I've started Spooge day already with a few coupla beers.
(yeah, I'm tipsy... woohoo...)
Gotta get my nerve up to do the finished vocals for a song I just wrote.
I'm gonna force my scratch version on anybody who wants to torture themselves with my mumbled temporary lyrics.... it ain't mixed or mastered yet so it'w kinda mumbly...
Now I gotta drink a few more beers to get up the nerve to act like a dick and try to do 'intense feeling' vocals so I don't sound like a 90 year old pervert.
btw: if anybody totally hates the melody to this song or thinks I went way too 'POP', lemme know. I threw in a 16 part harmony that sounds like Queen or something so ......
Anyhoo... the whole thing was done on my old Mac using Cubase and my guitar synth....
yay spooge day... i'm already wasted.
where's the hookers??
(yeah, I'm tipsy... woohoo...)
Gotta get my nerve up to do the finished vocals for a song I just wrote.
I'm gonna force my scratch version on anybody who wants to torture themselves with my mumbled temporary lyrics.... it ain't mixed or mastered yet so it'w kinda mumbly...
Now I gotta drink a few more beers to get up the nerve to act like a dick and try to do 'intense feeling' vocals so I don't sound like a 90 year old pervert.
btw: if anybody totally hates the melody to this song or thinks I went way too 'POP', lemme know. I threw in a 16 part harmony that sounds like Queen or something so ......
Anyhoo... the whole thing was done on my old Mac using Cubase and my guitar synth....
yay spooge day... i'm already wasted.
where's the hookers??
# 4
hmm something could be wrong with my quicktime..cos i cant hear anything at all..
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 5

Originally Posted by: schmange...I've started Spooge day already with a few coupla beers.
Does 'a few coupla' mean half a dozen?
Interesting little tune, but you're right about the lyrics being pretty bland atm.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 6
yeah.. like I said... the vocals are just a temporary track of me mumbling nonsense off the top of my head so I could keep track of where I was in the song.
I gotta erase the vocal track, write some proper lyrics and do a proper vocal performance, then mix and master everything.
What fun.... now I have a hangover... blah...
I gotta erase the vocal track, write some proper lyrics and do a proper vocal performance, then mix and master everything.
What fun.... now I have a hangover... blah...
# 7
Give me a fork, a balloon,a snail, and some silly strng and I'll be ready to celebrate.
Have a good one guys, and now I'm going to the beach for the day. :cool:
Have a good one guys, and now I'm going to the beach for the day. :cool:
# 8
Happy Schmange Day!!! and a long weekend at that.. :D
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.
# 9
Happy Schmange Day! I'm hoping on seeing Taladega Nights tonight. :D
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 10
# 11
Originally Posted by: AkiraCrazy laughing, beat comes in, looking cool so far, :cool: , vocals come in... =/.
There's my real time analysis. I think the tune is cool, but the vocals need more "umph", if you will.
Anyway, happy Schmagina Day! :D
Edit: Sweet solo, love the way the last melody carries on through the rest of the song.
Any of you guys into helping me with some advice on the new vocal tracks I come up with this afternoon?
I'm gonna record a couple of test vocals but need some outside opinions on whether they're cheezy or not. For now I'm just gonna do single takes to get a feel for what style fits the song...and especially if I need to add more personality or feel into the vocals.
Either that or if I'm going overboard and sounding like a dork.
Anyways... I'll post a couple of takes later this aft so if any;body want's to comment, lemme know.
# 12

Originally Posted by: PRSplaya
I love those pants.
# 13
Originally Posted by: AkiraSure thing, go for it. :)
oh man... this has been a major "schpeckle" day. I think I'm on my 19th beer since this morning.
My cable modem got fried in an electrical storm so I've been stuck on dial-up the last couple of days. Finally got it fixed this afternoon and the guy who installed it was a Guitar Tricks fan believe it or not. So I ended up spending time showing him some guitar stuff. Majorly weird to actually meet people in person who know the site.
Anyhooo .... I did a vocal take in one shot for that song and it still needs some EQing and mastering but here's the result so far...
Any comments welcome.
I"m gonna post it as a video lesson too for the guitar solo too so if ya have 'Full Access' or High Bandwidth or whatever we're calling it now..go for it.
I've heard this tune so many times my ability to be objective is gone so any outside comments and suggestions would help a hell of a lot.
... time for another beer....
# 14
jeez... no comments.
ok so the song sucks.
back to the drawing board.
ok so the song sucks.
back to the drawing board.
# 15
yeah... I threw a de-esser on there but I guess it needs even more.
...gotta spend the day remixing it again...
...gotta spend the day remixing it again...
# 16
heh.... three days of drinking beer celebrating spooge day. Today I'm paying for it. There's about 72 empties sitting on every counter in the studio.

# 17