Superhuman, it sounds like you're tuned to a low B. I tabbed out the song in this post, but then I figured it might be rude to tab out someone else's song, so I've deleted those bits. ;)
The main riff hangs around a B5 power chord with a D note thrown in. That's basically just the outline of a B minor scale/mode, so almost any B minor mode will work here. I recommend: B Harmonic Minor, B Aolian, B Blues, B Dorian, and whatever else you can think of.
The next part has the chords: B5 D5 E5 F5
Here you could play from the B blues scale, the B locrian, etc.
Then there's a decending bit that I think goes something like: B A G# B
This is a major bit and you'd wanna look for a B major mode (mixolydian, perhaps) of some kind to play.
Anyway, that's what I've got for now. It might not be the complete song, but I'm going to bed.