Originally Posted by: equatorAnd it is not necessarily chromatic because the note before that is sometimes a fifth lower.
Chromatics don't actually have to move by half step.
Originally Posted by: equatorAnd it is not necessarily chromatic because the note before that is sometimes a fifth lower.
Originally Posted by: Cryptic Excretions Furthermore, how can Fur Elise be in A Minor if the starting note is E? Anyway, that would still be chromatic.
Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonChromatics don't actually have to move by half step.
Originally Posted by: equatorBy definition chromatic is when a note is separated from its upper and lower neighbors by a half-step. And if you move chromatically, then you do move by half steps to another note that is a semitone lower or higher; otherwise you would be moving in intervals or scalar wise
Originally Posted by: Cryptic Excretionschromatic
2: based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones; "a chromatic scale"
It doesn't say anything about needing to be in half-step incriments to be chromatic.
Originally Posted by: equatorWell, you should try a music dictionary instead:
Originally Posted by: axemaster911Is the diatonic scale with five whole tones, and two half tones that has the pattern ( Aeolian ) ws-hs-ws-ws-hs-ws-ws, or ( locrian ) hs-ws-ws-hs-ws-ws-ws, or all its other variations which follow the same pattern only starting on a diffrent degree, is this the normal standard for playing in key? Not regarding the root note, the pattern is more my question?
And do scales such as ( phrygian-dominant ) with its raised third, or any of the many other scales with changes to the basic diatonic pattern considered to be scales with with accidentals in whatever key their played in.
I am trying to get a better understanding of being able to play along with other musicans, and all staying in the same key while exotic scales are being used, and the normal standard for keys in general.