our songs reviewed by Broadjam members
Review of Song: Not All About You
General Overview
Do you listen to this genre on a regular basis? Yes
What Genre is most appropriate for this song? Rock
What is an appropriate title for this song? Arpegiated Love Song
Song Analysis
Does this song have market potential? 1/5
Quality of Lyrics 1/5
Originality of Song 1/5
Quality of the Hook 1/5
Quality of Instrumentation 4/5
Quality of Arrangement 4/5
Would you like to hear more from this artist? 1/5
Quality of Vocal Pitch 3/5
Quality of Recording 4/5
Overall Rating 1/5
Positive Comments
well recorded and performed.
Constructive Comments
While well-intentioned it sound like Ozzy meets Kiss and hooks up with a really ****ty Hollywood producer who recommens that they live together for a couple of weeks and write an EPIC love song... (In 1987 this would've been cutting edge and quite popular. Now it brings up memories of mulletets, camaros, and guitars with three necks.)
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