We'd spent most of the day goofing off, playing guitar and Castlevania and anything else that came to mind up until it was time to go. We'd decided that we were going to need to eat before going to the show since there were 6 bands playing, so we stopped at a chinese buffet on the way there. Before going though, Darryl's brother Will wanted us to smuggle some food for him. So he coaxed Henry into taking some Kroger bags and stuffing egg rolls, chinese donuts, and breaded chicken into the bags and bring them back to him. So we get to the restaraunt and eat as much as we can take while along the way Henry smuggles food for Will. On our way out we took about 15 fortune cookies with us and headed to my home since it was on the way, dropped the food off and got directions to the show. Soon after we left for the show and played the alphabet game on the way there and got as far as X.
We'd found our parking spot which happened to be at least a quarter of a mile away, walked to the place, and went right in. We went to the table where the shirts were for sale and bought those to get them out of the way when just after that the first band started playing. With Passion. To say the least I thought they were kind of lame. Their technique wasn't piss poor, but their use of it wasn't very exciting. They didn't really have anything exciting or worth mentioning going on so that's that. They played then they were done and we wandered around a bit and happened to bump into the drummer from an old black metal project we had going on. Soon after Decapitated came out and played their stupidly short set. 20 minutes tops. They played their songs damn well, but I'd like to have seen them play for longer and with a bit more variety, especially since their fourth CD is coming out soon. The next band was Raging Speedhorn and they can go back to UK for all I care. Decapitated's one guitarist did far more alone in one song than their two guitarists combined did in their entire set... which was longer than Decapitated's. Anyway, next up was Soilent Green. After a while it all started to sound the same, so y'know. Nothing really breakthrough there. Afterwards, Hypocrisy played. Recently Immortal's drummer Horgh had joined ranks with Hypocrisy so my friends and I took it upon ourselves to start screaming "Horgh" when he walked on stage and during the silence between songs. I wonder how the rest of the band felt since not once did anyone scream anyone else's name... or even the band name. It was always just "Horgh." Anyway, they played a good sized set and played it quite well. They're far from anything breakthrough in technique, but it was still one of the better peformances. Lastly we've got Nile. They had the best performance of the night. They played a long set and covered a wide variety of material. I'd managed to catch one of the picks that Karl Sanders was throwing out into the audience. After the show Karl came off the stage and talked to some of the people before the security guards started pushing us away. During this time I talked to him a brief bit and landed an autograph on my ticket. Cool guy. He's really laid back and cool to talk to. I wish I had more time to talk to him though. He's also put on some weight. He used to be a musclebound guy, but now he's just plain fat.
Anyway, so the show ended, but I'll be damned if the night ended there. We had started heading home and it was after 1:00 in the morning by now so Darryl and Henry were tired. I figured it was going to be a quiet ride back. Y'know, I'm driving home, they fall asleep and wake up when we get back only to say "we're back already?" Well... that wasn't quite the case. I'm barely onto the highway and I've got probably over an hour drive ahead of me still. It's quiet since Darryl and Henry did fall asleep. Then Darryl woke up. So I figured I'd start conversation with him. I simply asked how he was doing to which he replied "I'm going to puke." Naturally I was shocked by this sudden tidbit of information, but soon after I watched as puke shot out of his mouth onto the door and seat of my mom's car. I started asking if he was alright when he informed me that he had a second burst coming. So I rolled the window down for him so he could at least try and get it out of the car. At this point Henry woke up and asked what was going on while Darryl was puking out the window. Soon after Henry and I both received a light sprinkle of puke blowing back into the car on our faces. That sucked to say the least. Seriously I don't know where it came from. He doesn't drink or do any drugs and he was fine the next day. It came and went as fast as it arrived. So we drove an hour back talking about the puke that was recently added. It really wasn't that bad. There were no stains or anything after it was cleaned (which was immediately when we got back... well... almost immediately. Darryl puked some more when we got back). We'd taken the car to a car wash and had it cleaned off the next day. Can't tell it happened. Afterwards we watched horror movies, drank pop, ate candy, and laughed at stupid immature **** like a group of stupid, immature douche bags. And that was quite possibly the most memorable show I've ever been to.
Anyway, feel free to let me know if you made it all the way through this one. Sorry for being so... lengthy.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.