Originally Posted by: sailorjimWOW Puke Story's I love em... Back in the day when the drinking age was 18 in Massachusetts ( what the hell were they doing giving us the right to drink I don't have a clue. And can you believe it the most that would happen to you if you got stop was they put you in protective custody) All us guys that hung togeather about six of us used to head for Cape Cod for the weekend to see these great bands and the babes at aplace called the Mill Hill. It was at least a six pack ride for each of us. One night on the way down we decided to stop for fried clams at this great take out clam place. When we were almost finished my buddy Keith says I think I am going to be sick. Well of couse we called him a pussy and laughed at him.. Then Blammmmmm Projectile vomit right on to the back of the dirver head. No kidding the driver had clams hanging off his ears... Disgusting.... Then of course the driver puked all over the windshield. It was like a tag team match!!!!! Wow the things that mold you when your young...
I'll never eat clams again. :D
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes: