I've tried rum&coke (Captain Morgan's) and Jose Cuervo Especial tequilla now.
The rum smells horrible, but it's very smooth. I like it. The tequilla is pleasant, but I suspect it was made more for mixing than for drinking straight. The next time I buy tequlla I'll probably try the same company's traditional recipe.
Next on my to-try list is a screwdriver.
Update: the Sam Adam's beer I bought yesterday tastes a lot better now that i'm more than a little tipsy.
This is odd. I weigh 112 lbs, I've had four servings of alcohol in the last hour, and I don't feel any different mentally. My coordination is pretty damn near worthless at this point, but I don't feel emotionally or intellectually different than usual.
One thing I've noticed is that when I've only had a couple servings of alcohol I laugh a little bit louder and more often while watching Comedy Central, but now that I'm loaded and have to be very careful about typing (I've screwed up almost every word in this update) I don't find many jokes funny.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"