yeah, so, as much as I like my fender fm212R, it's a bit too loud... amps have there sweet spots, but I just can't crank mine loud enough to reach that sweet spot, I have to keep the volume really low (I've got the volume at about 3, and the gain at about 3 1/2 to keep the volumes ok)
so I'm looking at some quieter amps, somewhere around 50 watts, rather then 100.
now, from what I've heard, 50 tube watts is way louder then 50 solid state watts, but I've also heard that fender amps are just insanely loud... so if I go to a 50 watt tube amp, that'll still be quieter then my fender right?
I'm looking at these amps (don't want to spend an arm and a leg)
amp 1
amp 2
amp 3 (this one is stretching the price a bit, but if you think it's worth it for that marshall crunch, then maybe)
also, can anyone tell me how much a Mesa boogie Rect-O-Verb or F50 would cost? (combo versions)
and, I was considering a peavey classic 30/50, until I read this "A fantastic amp for blues or vintage rock" in the description on musicians friend. I need an amp that has more of an edge to it without using pedals.
I really don't know how to describe the tone that I want to you guys (especially since I don't know too well myself) but, I tried out a marshall JCM 2000 TSL100, and it was pretty much dead on. I've also tried a Mesa Triple Rectofier, and it has a real good distortion on it too (I didn't mess around with it long enough to see what a lead sound would sound like, but I'm sure it's good, come on, it's a Mesa!)
I'm also open to more suggestions in the $300-$500 price range (though if there is an amazing amp that is just outside of that range, then I can save for a while longer if I have to.)
and if that wasn't enough questions, I have just one more, how much would you sell a fender fm212R for? it's around 6 months old, only been transported a few times, in extremely good condition, has no cosmetic flaws, no tears, no dents, no scratches. it's never been used with the volume above 7, and even then it was only once, 99.9% of the time the volume has stayed between 2 and 5. it probably has less then 100 hours of use (less then 3 hours per week, for 6 months) speakers are in good condition, not blown, not rattling, nothing. and I bought it for $300 (I take care of my stuff, can you tell?)
# 1
I can play metal with my Classic 50 with no pedal, no problem. BUT, the amp is insainly loud! I can come close to, if not completely, drowning out my drummer with that amp. Next to a Classic 50, I doubt you would even be able to tell that 212R was even turned on at full volume. I can send you some clips of my C50 doing the metal thing if you want, but it might be a week or two (it's at my drummers).
The Valve King is not even out yet, so nobody will be able to give you any opinions on it.
The Marshall, however a good amp, is overpriced for what it is.
Of the three you listed, the Vox would probably be your best bet.
Have you taken a look at the Line 6 Spider II series? I've heard a lot of great things about them, but don't have any personal experience though. I think one of these or the Vox would be a good choice.
Hey, if you order it through MF you can alway's return it if you don't like it.
The Valve King is not even out yet, so nobody will be able to give you any opinions on it.
The Marshall, however a good amp, is overpriced for what it is.
Of the three you listed, the Vox would probably be your best bet.
Have you taken a look at the Line 6 Spider II series? I've heard a lot of great things about them, but don't have any personal experience though. I think one of these or the Vox would be a good choice.
Hey, if you order it through MF you can alway's return it if you don't like it.
# 2
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaHave you taken a look at the Line 6 Spider II series? I've heard a lot of great things about them, but don't have any personal experience though. I think one of these or the Vox would be a good choice.
yes, I have looked into the line 6 spider II series, and out of all the amps I've listed, it's the only one which I'll actually have an opportunity to try before I buy. my local shop about 2 miles from my house has line 6 spider II's of all shapes and sizes (from the 30W version all the way to the half stack), it's a really small shop, and all they have (as far as amps) are line 6 spider II's and expenisve crate tube amps.
there is a shop in the next city (about 15 miles away) that has a larger selection, but also insanely jacked up prices. for example, they have a fender fm212R for $500!!! they have my gibson faded sg special for over $1000!!! it's insane! they basically sell stuff at the list price. so the prices are insane, however, they still don't have any of the amps that I listed (except for the mesa(s), they have lot of mesa boogie amps there)
so now, you say that the marshall is a good amp, but overpriced... now, if the marshall and the vox were the same price, which would you take?
# 3
I have the 30 watt version of the Vox, it keeps up with my drummer just fine, anything from Jazz to Death Metal can be played through it, good effects as well.
# 4
Just remember that the difference in volume between a 50 watt amp and a 100 watt amp is not but a few decibels. But, to offer a suggestion, I'm gonna suggest a Marshall JCM 800 (like I always do). I got mine used for about $700, which is a steal for this amp.
Have you thought about one of those Marshall Powerbrake things? Contrary to what they say, they can be used with other amps other than Marshall's. A buddy of mine uses one with his Soldano.
Have you thought about one of those Marshall Powerbrake things? Contrary to what they say, they can be used with other amps other than Marshall's. A buddy of mine uses one with his Soldano.
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 5
Originally Posted by: JFRICKHave you thought about one of those Marshall Powerbrake things? Contrary to what they say, they can be used with other amps other than Marshall's. A buddy of mine uses one with his Soldano.
i believe those are meant to be used in between the head and the cabinet on half stacks... I've got a combo amp
and in other news, I've added one amp to the ones I'm considering, so here's amp 4
# 6
the peavey is the only tube amp of the 3 you listed... crate has a 30 watt tuber...can't remember the price but it sounded bitchin' it was a light tan looking color and is a new model they started this year
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a haul my gear"
# 7
that carvin looks like quality to me :D
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a haul my gear"
# 8
Originally Posted by: z0s0_jpthe peavey is the only tube amp of the 3 you listed... crate has a 30 watt tuber...can't remember the price but it sounded bitchin' it was a light tan looking color and is a new model they started this year
the other 2 are hybrids, tube preamp, solid state power amp.
and the mesa boogies are tube, but I've decided that the mesa F50 is like a $1000 amp new.
haven't figured out what the rect-o-verb costs yet though
# 9
Originally Posted by: 6strngs_2hmbkrsi believe those are meant to be used in between the head and the cabinet on half stacks... I've got a combo amp
Well then, the powerbrake just won't do the trick...haha.
Don't know what I was thinking....
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 10
If an attenuator was needed, I'd opt for a THD Hot Plate, or a Weber Mass. They're more versatile and a BUTT load cheaper than the Marshall. An Attenuator can be used with a combo just like it would be used with a head and cab. Grant it, it would be much easier if the amps internal speakers were connected to the power amp via a 1/4" jack, but most combo amps are like that anyway. And, if they weren't, it wouldn't be too hard to make it work.
But, there's not much point in using an attenuator with a solid state amp, as they pretty much sound the same on 2 as they do on 8. If you do hear a difference at louder volumes with a solid state, it's because of the Fletcher Munson curve (do a search and you'll find plenty of info on this).
Some more info on tube vs. solid state... One of the reasons tube amps sound louder than solid state amps, and better when pushed, is because tubes cover more frequencies in a certain frequency range than transistors do. Thus being percieved as louder and fuller/warmer (not steril) sounding. Also when a tube amp is pushed hard enough for the tubes to clip (causing an overdriven/distorted sound) the output is also compressed, which helps even things out.
Ok, I'll stop trying to be Lats now (who I probably learned most of that from).
But, there's not much point in using an attenuator with a solid state amp, as they pretty much sound the same on 2 as they do on 8. If you do hear a difference at louder volumes with a solid state, it's because of the Fletcher Munson curve (do a search and you'll find plenty of info on this).
Some more info on tube vs. solid state... One of the reasons tube amps sound louder than solid state amps, and better when pushed, is because tubes cover more frequencies in a certain frequency range than transistors do. Thus being percieved as louder and fuller/warmer (not steril) sounding. Also when a tube amp is pushed hard enough for the tubes to clip (causing an overdriven/distorted sound) the output is also compressed, which helps even things out.
Ok, I'll stop trying to be Lats now (who I probably learned most of that from).
# 11
ok, I can't let this thread die on me now... I still need to figure something out, and if I'm going to do something, I was thinking some more, and I was considering selling my muliti-effects AND amp, (probably making around $350 for both) and buying a POD 2.0, then I can use that for plugging straight into the PA, and I can bring it home with me easily and use it for recording at home... but, I like having an amp... which is my dilemna...
I still have yet to try out a spider II... though I am going to soon.. hopefully... but, I want to know, someone said there is not much difference in volume between 50W and 100W, I want to know what the difference between a 30W and a 100W is...
I'm really down to either a line 6 spider II, or a vox AD30VT or AD50VT (as the other amps are pretty expensive, and I won't be able to afford them for at least a month)
so, again, I ask for opinions...
I still have yet to try out a spider II... though I am going to soon.. hopefully... but, I want to know, someone said there is not much difference in volume between 50W and 100W, I want to know what the difference between a 30W and a 100W is...
I'm really down to either a line 6 spider II, or a vox AD30VT or AD50VT (as the other amps are pretty expensive, and I won't be able to afford them for at least a month)
so, again, I ask for opinions...
# 12
jeez, why does this thread keep dying? I still need answers...
I'm thinking of putting my amp on craigslist in a few minutes...
so, I'm down to these options:
option A: buy a vox ad30vt for gigging, and eventually get a 15W spider II for playing at home
option B: buy the 75W version (possibly the 30W version if it's loud enough) for gigging, and get a vox ad15vt for use at home (eventually, I wouldn't get it immidietly (sp) )
option C: get a carvin sx50c for gigging, and either the vox or the line 6 for at home pracice
what do you think (I'm open to an option D if you've got somthing better in mind)
I'm thinking of putting my amp on craigslist in a few minutes...
so, I'm down to these options:
option A: buy a vox ad30vt for gigging, and eventually get a 15W spider II for playing at home
option B: buy the 75W version (possibly the 30W version if it's loud enough) for gigging, and get a vox ad15vt for use at home (eventually, I wouldn't get it immidietly (sp) )
option C: get a carvin sx50c for gigging, and either the vox or the line 6 for at home pracice
what do you think (I'm open to an option D if you've got somthing better in mind)
# 13
Why do you have to have two amps? Why can't you use one for both? Since you're getting a solid state amp, you won't have to crank it for it to sound good. It will sound just as good at low volumes as it would at high volumes. a 1x12 amp won't be that hard to take back and forth.
# 14
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaWhy do you have to have two amps? Why can't you use one for both? Since you're getting a solid state amp, you won't have to crank it for it to sound good. It will sound just as good at low volumes as it would at high volumes. a 1x12 amp won't be that hard to take back and forth.
I don't need to have two amps right now, it's just a pain dragging it back and forth, but I will do it. that still doesn't help me on what to get right now as a gigging amp, which is all I really need to know... since I have no experience with any of these amps, and have no way of trying any of them out (except the line 6 spider II, which I think I'm going to go test out tomorrow)
ok the main questions are:
will the 30W be loud enough? or do I need to go with at least 50W?
Which is the best out of the Vox, the Line 6, and the Carvin?
I just put my fender amp up for sale on craigslist, so a speedy reply would be most appreciated, and if i don't get an answer fast enough, I'm just gonna go with my gut.
# 15

from what i've heard...
if you play a wide variety of music get the Vox. You might have some use with the amp effects. The only bad side is that the vox has korg effects. I dont know if they are better than the korg multi effects pedals (which suck) but i have yet to play one.
The line 6 would probably sound the best out of your choices. Get a 2x12 if possible and it will give a fatter sound.
DO NOT get the AVT50. I have mine on ebay right now looking to get anything over $200. It will sound nice by itself and at low volumes but drums will easily drown it out. It also has none of the marshall crunch or tube tone. The clean channel is great but the distortion is definitely not something you would want to gig with. I replaced it with my first real tube amp and its a huge differance.
if you play a wide variety of music get the Vox. You might have some use with the amp effects. The only bad side is that the vox has korg effects. I dont know if they are better than the korg multi effects pedals (which suck) but i have yet to play one.
The line 6 would probably sound the best out of your choices. Get a 2x12 if possible and it will give a fatter sound.
DO NOT get the AVT50. I have mine on ebay right now looking to get anything over $200. It will sound nice by itself and at low volumes but drums will easily drown it out. It also has none of the marshall crunch or tube tone. The clean channel is great but the distortion is definitely not something you would want to gig with. I replaced it with my first real tube amp and its a huge differance.
# 16
oh, I got a spider II. the 30W version. it's plenty loud enough for what I want it to do, especially with my new OD-20, which makes the amp even louder. and it can still play quietly enough for me to play in my room. it is a pain to have to drag it back and forth, especially now that I've got a pedal board... which means that I've got a guitar, amp, and a pedalboard to drag up stairs twice per week... and I don't have three hands.. so I either have to make two trips, or I have to get someone to help me. so, I would like to get another amp eventually, especially now that I have a job and could afford something even better, possibly even an all-tube if I save up long enough. so, yeah, there's my update to this thread which has seemingly become revived.
# 17

another cheap alternative would be a crate 212. I jammed with some friends one day and that amp just blew my AVT away. It was easily defined with the drums and sadly he just used a tom delong strat. I dont know what kind of crate it was, it had the red lights around the knobs and built in tuner.
# 18

# 19