I've alway's wanted a 5150, but never have gotten around to getting one. Now, I'm finding myslef getting away from the whole half stack thing, because I can't think of any possible sittuation that my Classic 50 would not be loud enough, and more than likely too loud. So, I just bought a 5150 2x12 combo!!! I'll be selling my Triple XXX head if anybody's interested, but am keeping the 4x12 cab..... just because :D
I've come close to buying a 5150 a total of 3 times throughout my history of GAS, but never did for various reasons. First I chose a Marshall AVT 275 over a 5150 combo, for some ungodly reason. My only excuse for that, is, it was before I got into tube amps and wanted the stereo amp to use my POD with. Then I chose a Triple XXX over a 5150 because the XXX was new and the 5150 was used, and I was a snob about stuff like that back then. Lastly, I wasn't really in the market for an amp, but the deal was just too good to pass up, but luckily the amp used to belong to one of my drummers friends, and he let me know that it had had a full beer spilled into in once. So, I turned away from the 5150 again.
Fastforward to this week.... I got a nice bonus check, and just couldn't handle holding on to the money for very long. Found the 5150 combo on ebay yesterday, and pulled the plug. Now I'll be sitting on pins and needles until UPS (gulp!) brings it to me. I'll be sure to give a full report once I've had some time with it.
I'm out of controll!!!!
# 1
:eek: this is INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope you enjoy it....i really liked your custom job on your xxx head......i am suprised you did not go the guitar route.... but get what you FEEL you want...
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 2
I'm more of an amp guy than a guitar guy. I've got 2 good guitars, and that's plenty for now.
# 3
Better UPS than FedEx -- as long as it's packaged right, UPS will get whatever you're shipping wherever it's supposed to go, and usually on time.
You can't even trust FedEx to get a signature or leave your package someplace safe.
You can't even trust FedEx to get a signature or leave your package someplace safe.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 4
how much you thinking of selling that XXX for? I might be interested if it was in my price range (which I highly doubt :D ) and what exactly did you do to it that was a "custom job"
congrats on the 5150 though.. GAS is a pain (and a joy at the same time because new gear makes you happy, however temporary that happiness is)
congrats on the 5150 though.. GAS is a pain (and a joy at the same time because new gear makes you happy, however temporary that happiness is)
# 5
he can tell ya more but...he removed the face plate with the truckers hoes on it and put a chromed out looking plate with the peavey trademark name design cut in the center and light glows white hot through it...it is totally trick and don't let him tell ya it isn't ;)
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 6
I've seen pics of it, its hot lookin.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 7
Originally Posted by: 6strngs_2hmbkrshow much you thinking of selling that XXX for? I might be interested if it was in my price range (which I highly doubt :D ) and what exactly did you do to it that was a "custom job"
congrats on the 5150 though.. GAS is a pain (and a joy at the same time because new gear makes you happy, however temporary that happiness is)
Look in the Gear For Sale thread for more details about selling it (the cab is not for sale though). As far as customizing it.... I made a different face plate for it and put better tubes in it.
# 8
Originally Posted by: z0s0_jphe can tell ya more but...he removed the face plate with the truckers hoes on it and put a chromed out looking plate with the peavey trademark name design cut in the center and light glows white hot through it...it is totally trick and don't let him tell ya it isn't ;)
The glowing light behind it is just black reflective vinyl. I work at a sign company, so I have access to all kinds of vinyl (the stuff sticker's are made of) and aluminum and a router. The flash from the camera made it really shine. Otherwise, it looks kind of glossy black.
# 9
i told ya he could tell ya better..... ;)
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 10
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaLook in the Gear For Sale thread for more details about selling it (the cab is not for sale though). As far as customizing it.... I made a different face plate for it and put better tubes in it.
I really don't have $650 to spend right now, but if you've still got it in a couple months (probably like 3-4) I might make you an offer
# 11
I've heard they weigh an absolute ton though.
Mind your back.
Mind your back.
I am vibrating at the speed of light.
I am vibrating at the speed of light.
# 12
UPS package tracking say's it's "Out For Delivery" :eek: What I wouldn't give to be able to take the rest of the day off :( . I just hope the UPS gorilla's haven't demolished it by the time it's delivered. Until then, I'll be sitting on pin's and needles.
# 13
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaUPS package tracking say's it's "Out For Delivery" :eek: What I wouldn't give to be able to take the rest of the day off :( . I just hope the UPS gorilla's haven't demolished it by the time it's delivered. Until then, I'll be sitting on pin's and needles.
oi, isn't that like the worst feeling ever?
when my gibson arrived, the box was pretty banged up, and one whole corner was smushed... I was scared... then I opened the box, to find out that it was shipped in a gig bag wrapped in bubble wrap... I was even more scared, then I opened it up, to find the guitar, I checked it over for scratches, dings, dents, cracks, etc. and didn't find one...
so, don't despair if the box has became a little crushed, it doesn't mean the amp is dead!
# 14
Originally Posted by: 6strngs_2hmbkrs
so, don't despair if the box has became a little crushed, it doesn't mean the amp is dead!
Depends on how well the amp was packed. Most people don't' take the time to package an amp correctly. Especially an amp that weigh's almost 90 lbs. :eek:
Ok, I'm starting to freak myself out over this

# 15
Ok, just received confirmation that it was delivered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just hope it will still be there when I get home from work at 4:30 :rolleyes: Oh man! That's 5 more freakin' hours 

# 16
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaOk, just received confirmation that it was delivered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just hope it will still be there when I get home from work at 4:30 :rolleyes: Oh man! That's 5 more freakin' hours
do you have any neighbors that you trust that you could call that could pick it up for you until you get home?
# 17
Surely the UPS guy didn't just leave this precious peace of equipment on your doorstep. If he did I would have someone go pick it up or sit by it untill you get home. HAHA
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 18
Well, it's more than likely under my carport, which has another truck in it. So, it won't be completely noticable from the road.... I hope :o
2 hours and 15 more min. to go!
I can't remember the last time I was this nervous, excited, anxious, and scared all at the same time.
2 hours and 15 more min. to go!
I can't remember the last time I was this nervous, excited, anxious, and scared all at the same time.
# 19
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaI can't remember the last time I was this nervous, excited, anxious, and scared all at the same time.
last time your dog took a dump on your girlfriends favorite shirt perhaps???
I dunno, it was the most random thing I could think of...
# 20