- This service is for current members only. Minimum 10 forum posts before you post a for sale ad.
- Post your listing in this forum only.
- This service is for personal use only. Commercial businesses may not advertise their products or services in any way on this Forum unless they have purchased advertising from Guitar Tricks and obtained permission to post in this thread.
- Guitar Tricks cannot be held responsible for any misrepresentations made by a seller or any prospective buyers. Any transactions conducted between members or any other individuals or companies are strictly between those parties. Our only part in this activity is to allow people to announce that they are looking for something, or have something to sell. We will not attempt to referee when someone thinks they've been jerked around. Flame-fests will not be tolerated.
- Don't write a fancy advertisement. Just list the gear you want/want to sell, and ask interested members to send you a private mesage. [u]Text[/u] only. If you have your own pictures hosted on a service, you may post links to them, but don't hot-link to pictures on other websites.
- Do not conduct negotiations on this website. Exchange e-mail addresses via Private Message and then conduct your business off-site via e-mail.
- When a transaction is complete, please edit your post to show that the item sold.
- A time limit of 60 days may be imposed so that we can delete old listings
- Listings may be deleted for any breach of the Forum rules.
Our success here depends on our members being responsible and consciencious about their use of this website.