I'm known as a pretty good songwriter in NYS. And I'de have to say that your thinking about it too much. you cant just say I wana write a song and do it. There has to be some emotional inpiration in order to write a great song. When I say great song. I dont mean what other people think, I mean what you think is successful.
here's a few peices of songs the band I am in is doing right now ( I wrote them, and they are copywritten for all the scumbags out there)
" a scar in my heart has, developed and I swear, you could let me go away
please dont shake me, I promise when I say, please dont touch me till I wake"
"I cant feel the pain, so let me go away
I'm ruined from within, dont tell me to say
there's nothing left to lose or gain, I fade away in the sin
my only helper is my Cane,Let the reconstruction begin"
"do you want me to lie, and say I'm someone else?
only you would let me tear myself apart
only you, only you would let me lie"
those are all inspired songs that I wrote. And I think the lyrics are good, abut the music is awsome.
But anyways, Its all about if your feeling it.........