Bro, I know what you mean, I've had that problem for years.
I had to completely change the way I pick. I used to rest my hand/wrist on the bridge, if I started on the high-E string in a descending run I couldnt reach the low E without tie-ing up my wrist. If I started on the low-E in a ascending run, I couldn't reach the high-E without tieing up my wrist or having the volume-potty in the way.
Now I'm resting my lower arm near the top of the guitar, about 1-2 inches from the elbow. I keep my wrist straight and play with a floating hand (it touches the strings, but doesn't rest on them). Alternate picking comes from the wrist, but repositioning my hand for the next string comes from the elbow joint.
It's awkward for the 1st month or so, but after that it becomes totally natural, with a much greater feeling of freedom and lightness.
Makes sure you start EXTREMELY slow until you have perfect coordination in the movements from elbow and wrist when changing strings (there are 4-5 different combinations), then work up to speed slowly from there. The reason you want to start EXTREMELY slow is because you want to "record" the correct coordination and motions into your muscles/brain (muscle memory), without tension. If you start of too fast, you run the risk of programming tension and less accurate motions into your muscles/brain, unless you're naturally gifted. Which for example I'm not.
Also the weight from your arm should be supported at the point where your lower-arm rests on the body, to keep your upper-arm and shoulder relaxed! This is incredibly important as any tension there is evil:
- tension = less control, accuracy and it makes playing (fast) feel hard, while it should feel easy and light.
- your arm's major bloodvessels run THROUGH the muscles in your shoulder and through your biceps. Tension in the those muscles will reduce bloodflow to and from your hand/wrist, just when they need it the most. This is a major cause of RSI, injuries and weak endurance.