Where have all the Heros gone??

No beef against the current guitar players.... but where is all the talent these days. I guess all the guitar players are just content in learning 3 chord songs. What happened to the days of the guitar god?? Does anyone even know the names of the guitarists in the bands that are just coming out. What happened to Jimmy page, Tony Iommi, Angus, Eddie, SRV, and Jimi?? Guitar playing has gone down the drain. If anyone thinkgs i am totally wrong please give a couple bands that are fairly new taht have good guitarists. The closest thing i can think of nowadays is Justin and Dan Hawkins from the Darkness.
# 1
Pick up the following disks: Clutch - Pure Rock Fury, Blast Tyrant; Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers - Real to Reel; Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper; and Five Horse Johnson - The Last Men on Earth, No. 6 Dance.
Nothing too revolutionary; just some good, solid guitar rock and one of the better Metal bands out there today.
I'd also suggest seeing Stinking Lizaveta live. They've got three or four albums out, but they don't even begin to do justice to their live show.
Nothing too revolutionary; just some good, solid guitar rock and one of the better Metal bands out there today.
I'd also suggest seeing Stinking Lizaveta live. They've got three or four albums out, but they don't even begin to do justice to their live show.
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
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# 2

# 3

Where have all the great guitarists gone?
What about Yngwie, Satriani, Batio, Vai, and Petrucci? What about Xuefei Yang or Remi Boucher?
You need to keep up with the times. Many of the best guitarists who have ever lived are still playing today.
What about Yngwie, Satriani, Batio, Vai, and Petrucci? What about Xuefei Yang or Remi Boucher?
You need to keep up with the times. Many of the best guitarists who have ever lived are still playing today.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 4

I kinda agree with Wej. Well in terms of "new" talent. There will always be the greats around. I think there is a new super group fad out that i hope dies quickly. When does 2 + 2 not equal four? When gnr and stp get together! :p that goes out to all you velvet revovler fans!
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 5

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we're in a MTV generation now. Back in the 60's and 70's when the bands that we talk about as being the "greats" (i.e. Zepplin, Jimi, The doors, etc...) were around, the only way to get exposure was by making freaking awesome music and image was secondary at least. Nowadays, the gap between talent and image is getting smaller and smaller, and in some cases irrelevant cuz u've got jerks like Britteny spears who are basically strictly selling their image and have NO MUSICAL TALENT. I hope that wasn't too off topic and ya'll find it to be relevant lol.
# 6
Originally Posted by: Homebrew1709I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we're in a MTV generation now. Back in the 60's and 70's when the bands that we talk about as being the "greats" (i.e. Zepplin, Jimi, The doors, etc...) were around, the only way to get exposure was by making freaking awesome music and image was secondary at least. Nowadays, the gap between talent and image is getting smaller and smaller, and in some cases irrelevant cuz u've got jerks like Britteny spears who are basically strictly selling their image and have NO MUSICAL TALENT. I hope that wasn't too off topic and ya'll find it to be relevant lol.
Very relevant and I totally agree. It started out that if you looked good that was just considered bonus. But over the years you're basically just selling a package image with no substance behind it.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 7

Where have all the Heroes gone? Yesterdays Heroes are heading for the old folks home or the morgue, while the majority of todays heroes are competing for a very small market share and fighting tooth and nail for any media exposure that can be found. Their is no shortage of talent, in fact, guitar playing is at a higher level than it's ever been, their is just a shortage in the job market, talent does not equal success in the music business.
# 8

Thanks alot for the replies.... I know of vai satch yngwie and eddie who are all still playing ... but they arent as big as what they were in the 80's. Im just looking for new guitarist who are very talented
# 9
A couple of bands with GREAT guitar players:
Shadows Fall
Zakk Wylde's Black Label Society
The fall of the guitar hero came when Nirvana came around. Most bands since have stuck with the 3 chord boring thing......
Shadows Fall
Zakk Wylde's Black Label Society
The fall of the guitar hero came when Nirvana came around. Most bands since have stuck with the 3 chord boring thing......
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 10

Yeah there are still guitar heroes out there. Idk if they are as legendary as the ones you named though. But hey!!! we still have Tom Delonge from Blink!!!
( Said with much sarcasm)
w00t my 300th post.
( Said with much sarcasm)
w00t my 300th post.
Member of band: Amphiptere (am-fi-teer)
Genre: Speed Metal, Thrash Metal
I am: Lead guitar
Genre: Speed Metal, Thrash Metal
I am: Lead guitar
# 11
We can be heroes
Just for one day
Just for one day
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 12

Where have they gone?-They've been driven underground
and forced to play small time gigs -when by all rights they deserve to be playing jam packed arenas..Either that or they've been forced to play the black metal niche circuit -complete with it's horrible "anti-vocals"...
As for newer heroes -check out Patrick Rondat,Rusty Cooley,Derek Taylor,Joe Stump,Zakk Wylde-these guys are keeping the flame alive-Gary Moore and Yngwie are still around too..
Whomever said talent did not= popularity/sales is very correct-evidence the dark ages of rock music in the last 10-15 years..
I'll take Randy Rhoads over Cobain's ilk anyday -the true worthlessness of the nouveau-grunge scene is becoming evident to more and more people,especially in the 12-15 year old age bracket -I am seeing more and more Motley Crue t-shirts I suspect ,because today's youth rightfully senses the weak and worthless nature of the current grunge scene and yearns for more -The youth is rebelling against the current "anti-music"(and yes that does include rap "music") ..
Check out Iron Maiden's "Paschendale" for some modern
music that actually goes somewhere-the sooner this weak generation crap is flushed down the toilet ,the better..Long live the power and glory of melodic metal and hasten it's return..
and forced to play small time gigs -when by all rights they deserve to be playing jam packed arenas..Either that or they've been forced to play the black metal niche circuit -complete with it's horrible "anti-vocals"...
As for newer heroes -check out Patrick Rondat,Rusty Cooley,Derek Taylor,Joe Stump,Zakk Wylde-these guys are keeping the flame alive-Gary Moore and Yngwie are still around too..
Whomever said talent did not= popularity/sales is very correct-evidence the dark ages of rock music in the last 10-15 years..
I'll take Randy Rhoads over Cobain's ilk anyday -the true worthlessness of the nouveau-grunge scene is becoming evident to more and more people,especially in the 12-15 year old age bracket -I am seeing more and more Motley Crue t-shirts I suspect ,because today's youth rightfully senses the weak and worthless nature of the current grunge scene and yearns for more -The youth is rebelling against the current "anti-music"(and yes that does include rap "music") ..
Check out Iron Maiden's "Paschendale" for some modern
music that actually goes somewhere-the sooner this weak generation crap is flushed down the toilet ,the better..Long live the power and glory of melodic metal and hasten it's return..
# 13

Originally Posted by: Homebrew1709 Nowadays, the gap between talent and image is getting smaller and smaller.
I dont agree with that because imagine is AS important as talent when your talking about heros! A hero is someone you admire and aspire to be, and that almost certainly entials image and looks.
If you take my heros.... slash and joe perry.... those guys were/are cool! Very cool infact! Compare them to the example of justin and dan hawkins... who by the way are far from heros, and youl see my point.
I think the 70s, 80s and early 90s where successful in gaining attension, simply because they advertised an exciting dangerous, yet glamorous world of drinking and drugging. There arent any genuinely dangerous/wreckless bands anymore... everythings tame now. Theres no fantasy in rock music right now... current rock bands dont provide me with an incite into anything I cant have or do myself. GnR would sing about hookers, getting stoned, stealing, fighting, a lifestyle that I wouldnt choose myself but as a teenager would love to hear about.
You just dont get that anymore :rolleyes:
One of the most pwerful pieces of rock history to me is Slash running on during the freddie mercury tribute show to play the guitar solo for 'Tie Your mother Down'. I dont think theres enough energy in rock music these days to make me feel how I feel when I see clips from the past like that! :(
# 14

Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggmanWe can be heroes
Just for one day
We can be heroes... forever and ever
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 15

# 16

Where have all the heroes gone?
Hidden away at places like GuitarTricks where nobody bothers to take the time to listen to them.
A lot of you guys are so busy following the media bandwagon, listening to big names and signed bands that you assume anybody else who doesn't already have a huge contract must automatically suck.
Hands up how many of you guys have actually listened to any of the players who post in these forums? Ever clicked on the instructor pages here and taken the time to check out the talent?
Ever checked out any of the bands? Ever buy their music?
Didn't think so.
I'll get off my soapbox now and let you guys go back to your F.M. radios and corporate sponsored three chord bands. :mad:
Hidden away at places like GuitarTricks where nobody bothers to take the time to listen to them.
A lot of you guys are so busy following the media bandwagon, listening to big names and signed bands that you assume anybody else who doesn't already have a huge contract must automatically suck.
Hands up how many of you guys have actually listened to any of the players who post in these forums? Ever clicked on the instructor pages here and taken the time to check out the talent?
Ever checked out any of the bands? Ever buy their music?
Didn't think so.
I'll get off my soapbox now and let you guys go back to your F.M. radios and corporate sponsored three chord bands. :mad:
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 17
Originally Posted by: HootayahHands up how many of you guys have actually listened to any of the players who post in these forums? Ever clicked on the instructor pages here and taken the time to check out the talent?
Ever checked out any of the bands? Ever buy their music?
Didn't think so.
Ummm...but...but my hand was up.
I've heard all these internet guitarists, and many of them are quite phenomenal, they just lack some of the prowess and technical ability of a handful of signed guitarists. Nothing wrong with being a slight bit inferior.
# 18
Originally Posted by: AkiraLol, I hate radios. :p
My iPod is a life saver.
As in, if it hadn't saved me from having to listen to corporate radio, I'd have killed somebody.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 19

Originally Posted by: wejwejwejNo beef against the current guitar players.... but where is all the talent these days. I guess all the guitar players are just content in learning 3 chord songs. What happened to the days of the guitar god?? Does anyone even know the names of the guitarists in the bands that are just coming out. What happened to Jimmy page, Tony Iommi, Angus, Eddie, SRV, and Jimi?? Guitar playing has gone down the drain. If anyone thinkgs i am totally wrong please give a couple bands that are fairly new taht have good guitarists. The closest thing i can think of nowadays is Justin and Dan Hawkins from the Darkness.
I agree.
Their are some realy heavy guys out their that know what their doing, but they drown it out with screaming and have their guitars tuned down so low you can't hear it. The [I]only[/] band out their I know of that is doing something interesting is Jet, and you can't listen to more than three of their songs without hearing the same exact thing. And all the old, even great bands that think their still out their (like Mettalica and Van Halen) sound like crap. I don't listen to the ratio at all.
Are you Experienced?
# 20