i have kind of a weird problem. i didn't have it when i was younger, i didn't have it until i started working on picking technique. i don't think it's a common thing, i haven't heard anyone discuss it before.
i have trouble picking on the low E string at the same speed as the other strings. not for rythyms, but when drilling scales etc. i don't know what the problem is, i can pick evenly on all the other strings, it doesn't seem to matter what gauge i'm using, or if i'm playing electric or acoustic.
anyone ever have this problem, or have any suggestions? (my string height is not out of adjustment either)
picking problem

# 1

well, last time i also got this type of problem. but i keep practice and practice... diameter of every string is different, the distance of your pick to the string is very important, maybe you pick the lower E string too deep. the way i play is just pick the lower E, A, D strings softly. i think the sound would not be too soft. I don know how to describe clearly but practice makes perfect. keep it up man!
# 2
Yeah dude, it's weird.
Anyway, I think it might have something to do with your picking hand's position ... May be you should raise your hand a bit to handle the low E easier.
Anyway, I think it might have something to do with your picking hand's position ... May be you should raise your hand a bit to handle the low E easier.
# 3

i think my problem is a combination of both, hand position and too deep with the pick. damn! more practice (lol)
# 4