Here's our second installment of highlighting independent music shops this holiday season!
From the shop
I am Jason Mendelson from BassStringsOnline.com and GuitarStringsOnline.com. I started these websites after years of frustration searching for the perfect strings. As a bassist I was always playing different styles of music and sometimes alternate tunings. It was very difficult and expensive trying different types of strings and putting together custom sets for alternate tunings. Having a wide selection of string sets and singles helped me get the sound I want from my instruments. My passion is being able to do that for bass players around the world!
What's your favorite new musical product from 2015?
The new Genzler Amplfication Bass Array Cabinet. By the looks of it you know it means business. The sound reproduction it delivers makes you want to play through it as much as possible! The four 3” Neodymium Line Array produces a very musical mids and highs. Many players feel their higher strings sound thin and tinny, playing through the Bass Array takes care of that producing a thick rich high end tone that cuts through without being ear piercing. It is a high end with body, you just have to hear one of these! The single 12” Neo driver creates a huge responsive punchy low end while handling Low-B strings with ease.
What's your favorite gift for a musician this year?
The new KORG 3D LED Display Tuners! They are such a pleasure to look at and work beautifully. There is one for every budget and type of player! The KORG Sledgehammer Pro is a clip-on headstock tuner model for Guitar, Bass, or any instrument with a headstock. The display is large, clear, and easy to read. The KORG GA Custom is a traditional chromatic tuner that operates via plug-in or built in microphone with a large easy to read 3D display on it as well. For the pro players the KORG Pitchblack Custom Pedal Tuner and Pitchblack Pro Rackmount tuner are the way to go. Both have a large 3D display and is easy to read on a dark or bright stage environment.
What do you like best about being in this business?
Being able to work with and influence fellow musicians around the world. I love to hear that my recommendation changed their outlook on their instrument or helped them achieve a particular sound or feel from their instrument.