In this tutorial we will look at a way of visualizing the guitar fretboard. First we will look at playing diatonic scales (major, minor and the various diatonic modes) in patterns that result in 3 notes per string. Because there are only 3 different shapes to learn, the result is that every natural diatonic scale can be played by using combinations of only these three basic fingerings. This is also a good way to get used to the musical alphabet. There will be a lot of backing track play along exercises to practice the ideas.
Lesson Info
Christopher Schlegel
- Styles:
- Any Style
- Difficulty:
- Files
- 12 Videos / 11 Score
- Published
Tutorial Lessons
- Visualizing Series 1: Introduction
- Whole Step and Half Step Pattern
- Whole Step and Half Step Play Along
- Half Step and Whole Step Pattern
- Half Step and Whole Step Play Along
- Whole Step and Whole Step Pattern
- Whole Step and Whole Step Play Along
- Integrating All Three Patterns
- Integrating All Three Patterns Play Along
- Another Exercise With All Three Patterns
- Another Exercise Play Along
- Visualizing Series 1: Conclusion