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Blues Rhythm: Groovy Dominant 7 Chords

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In this tutorial we'll boost your blues rhythm playing by exploring a handful of extremely useful dominant 7th chords and combine those with a simple but powerful right hand approach. The dominant 7 chords are the ones we write out by simply adding the number 7 after the letter name like A7 or E7. They hold a lot of bluesy tension and they’re probably the most common chord type used in this style of music.

I’ll be using my Telecaster for these examples going through my old Ampeg tube amp with a mostly clean tone with a little bit of reverb. As always you can use any guitar and amp that you may have in your hands for these examples, just make sure you don’t use too much overdrive or reverb. Keep your tone nice and basic and let your fingers do the work!

Lesson Info
Blues Rhythm: Groovy Dominant 7 Chords